House Advances Interior Bill with a 23% Increase for the Indian Health Service and Maintained Advance Appropriations for IHS

The House Appropriations Full Committee passed an Interior bill that includes $8.56 billion for IHS and $99.99 million for Urban Indian Health.

On July 9, 2024, the House Appropriations Full Committee passed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 appropriations bill for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, which was previously approved by the House Subcommittee on June 28, 2024. The bill authorizes $8.56 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS)— an increase of $1.6 billion from FY24 and $561.64 million above the President’s request. The bill also provides $99.99 million for Urban Indian health, which is $9.5 million above the FY24 enacted amount and $5 million above the President’s budget request. The Committee report included language that affirmed the trust responsibility for all Native people including those who reside in urban areas.

Other key provisions include: maintaining advance appropriations for IHS for FY26 with an increase to $5.98 billion from $5.19 billion in FY25, $8 million for generators at IHS/Tribal Health Programs/Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs), $7 million, a $4 million increase, for the Produce Prescription Pilot Program for Tribes and UIOs to increase access to produce and other traditional foods, as well as $44.43 million, a $10 million increase, for Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs).

NCUIH recently worked closely with Representatives Gallego and Grijalva on leading a Congressional letter signed by 52 House members to the House Committee on Appropriations for FY 2025. The letter has bipartisan support and calls for support for Urban Indian Health based on the TBFWG’s recommendation and to maintain advance appropriations for IHS until such time that authorizers move IHS to mandatory spending. NCUIH also joined the National Indian Health Board, National Congress of American Indians, and 25 other organizations on a letter urging Congressional Appropriations leaders to transition Contract Support Cost and 105(l) leases to mandatory appropriations.

Next Steps

The House is scheduled to vote on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies spending bill the week of July 22. The legislation is not expected to become law in its current form. House leadership will need to work with Senate Leadership to negotiate a final bill text for passage in both chambers. The Senate Appropriations Committee is tentatively scheduled to mark up the Senate Interior bill the week of July 22.

FY24 funding is set to end on September 30, 2024. If Congress cannot come to a funding agreement by that deadline, they will need to pass a Continuing Resolution to keep the funding levels at the FY24 level until they can reach an agreement. Should political disagreements lead to a government shutdown, UIOs and parts of IHS will be protected by Advance Appropriations.

Bi-Partisan Support for IHS Funding and Advance Appropriations in Bill Hearing

Throughout the appropriations process, there has been clear bipartisan support for the Indian Health Service:

“I refuse to balance the budget on the backs of tribes. I am proud this bill makes strong investments to further the federal government’s trust and treaty commitments to the Tribes.” – Chairman Mike Simpson (R-ID-2)

“The measure [Interior Bill] before us today impacts vast aspects of American Life. It also advances the federal commitment to honor our trust and treaty responsibilities to American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Essential resources are delivered at the total funding level at $38.4 billion,” said Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK-4), “Delivering on our trust and treaty commitments are of critical importance to my home state of Oklahoma and to all people of Indian Country.”

“I want to show my pride and appreciation for the continued nonpartisan trust and treaty responsibility that’s the hallmark of this Interior bill. Chairman Cole I want to thank you for raising interior allocation to allow us to meet the increased responsibilities for contract support costs,” said Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4), and she also acknowledged the inclusion of advance appropriations for IHS, “Chairman Simpson I appreciate you once again prioritizing funding for life, health and safety issues for Indian Country, including advance appropriations for the Indian Health Service for a third year in a row.”

Committee leadership also signified their support of the transition of Contract Support Costs to mandatory funding:

Ranking Member Pingree (D-ME-1) shared, “I want to acknowledge and thank Chairman Cole for adjusting the Interior Allocation to accommodate the $739 million increase required by the result of the Supreme Court decision on contract support costs. These costs will continue to rise, and I hope we can work together to make these funds mandatory.”

Appropriations Ranking Member Rosa De Lauro (D-CT-3), shared her support for funding contract support costs, “It is my hope that we can work together to see the funding needed to address rising contract support costs is made mandatory.”

Bill Highlights

URBAN INDIAN HEALTH $90,419,000 $965,254,000 $94,990,000 $99,992,000
INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE $6,961,914,000 $53,852,801,000 $8,000,000,000 $8,561,647,000
ADVANCE APPROPRIATIONS $5,190,000,000 ————————- $5,129,458,000 $5,975,150,000
PRODUCE PRESCRIPTION PILOT PROGRAM $3,000,000 ————————- —————————- $7,000,000
TRIBAL EPIDEMIOLOGY CENTERS $34,433,000 $34,433,000 $44,433,000
CONTRACT SUPPORT COSTS $1,051,000,000 Move to Mandatory $ 979,000,000 $2,036,000,000
105 (L) LEASES $149,000,000 $261,000,000 $349,000,000 $400,000,000
ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE $266,636,000 $4,859,237,000 $291,389,000 $282,380,000
GENERATORS AT I/T/US $3,000,000 ————————- —————————- $8,000,000
MATERNAL HEALTH $2,000,000 ————————- —————————- $3,000,000
DENTAL HEALTH $252,561,000 $3,174,342,000 $276,085,000 $283,080,000
Indian Health Service: $8.56 billion
  • Bill Report, Pg.93: The recommendation includes $5,274,783,000 that is available for obligation in fiscal year 2025 for the Indian Health Services Account, $326,052,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level. This includes $4,684,029,000 provided as a fiscal year 2025 advance and $590,754,000 recommended in this bill and available in this fiscal year. These funds are available for two years unless otherwise specified.
Urban Indian Health: $99.99 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 95: The Committee recognizes the Federal trust responsibility to provide health care services to American Indian and Alaska Native citizens and acknowledges that approximately seventy-one percent live in urban areas. The recommendation includes $99,992,000, $9,573,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level and $5,000,000 above the President’s budget request, for Urban Indian Health programs.
Contract Support Costs – $2.036 billion and Tribal 105(l) leases – $400 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 96: The Committee recommends an indefinite appropriation estimated to be $2,036,000,000 for contract support costs incurred by the agency as required by law. It does not include the Administration’s request for Administrative Costs. The bill continues language making available such sums as are necessary to meet the Federal government’s full legal obligation and prohibiting the transfer of funds to any other account for any other purpose. In addition, the bill includes language specifying carryover funds may be applied to subsequent years’ contract support costs.
    • In a recent Supreme Court opinion, Becerra v. San Carlos Apache, found that self-determination contracts between Tribes and IHS require spending and collection of third-party revenue, therefore, by doing so and incurring administrative costs, IHS is then required to reimburse for those contract support costs.
  • Bill Report, pg. 96: The Committee recommends an indefinite appropriation estimated to be $400,000,000 for Payments for Tribal Leases incurred by the agency as required by law. It does not include the Administration’s request for Administrative Costs. The bill includes language making available such sums as necessary to meet the Federal government’s full legal obligation and prohibits the transfer of funds to any other account for any other purpose.
Hospitals and Health Clinics: $2.84 billion
  • Bill Report, pg. 93: The recommendation includes $2,845,868,000 for Hospitals and Health Clinics, $295,354,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level.
Direct Operations: $105.96 million
  • No report language
Indian Health Care Improvement Fund: $75.47 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 96: The Committee does not accept the IHS’s proposal to move the Indian Health Care Improvement Fund within the Hospitals and Health Clinics funding. The recommendation provides $75,472,000 for the Indian Health Care Improvement Fund, which is $1,334,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level.
Purchased and Referred Care: $1.04 billion
  • Bill Report, pg. 94: The recommendation includes $1,048,804,000, $52,049,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, for Purchase and Referred Care (PRC).
Public Health Nursing: $120.95 million
  • No report language.
Immunization AK: $2.3 million
  • No report language.
Indian Health Professions: $89.25 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 95: The recommendation includes $89,252,000 for Indian Health Professions programs, $8,684,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level and $8,000,000 above the President’s budget request. The Committee continues to support Indian Health Professions programs and expects IHS to allocate the increase provided across all programs, including the Scholarship Program, Loan Repayment Program, Indians into Medicine Program (INMED), American Indians into Nursing (RAIN) Program, and the American Indians into Psychology Programs.
Tribal Management: $2.98 million
  • No report language.
Self-Governance: $6.18 million
  • No report language.
Maintenance and Improvement: $174.35 million
  • No report language.
Sanitation Facilities Construction: $127.96 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 97: The Committee continues advance appropriations for programs advanced in fiscal year 2024 and expands advance appropriations to the Indian Health Facilities Sanitation Facilities Construction and Health Care Facilities Construction accounts.
Health Care Facilities Construction: $185.7 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 97: The recommendation includes $185,702,000 for Health Care Facilities Construction, $3,023,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level. The recommendation includes $14,000,000, for Staff Quarters, $3,000,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, for staff housing across the IHS health care delivery system to support the recruitment and retention of quality healthcare professionals across Indian country.
Facility and Environmental Health Support: $323.96 million
  • No report language.
Dental Health: $238 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 94: The recommendation includes $283,085,000 for Dental Health services, $30,524,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level and $7,000,000 above the President’s budget request.
    • Also includes $8,000,000 to expand Dental Support Centers to all 12 service areas and $6,500,000 to install a electronic Dental Records System.
Equipment – Generators:  $8 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 97: To increase the resilience of these facilities, the recommendation includes $8,000,000 to purchase generators, $5,000,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, including for IHS, Tribal Health Programs, and Urban Indian Organizations located in areas impacted by de-energization events.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Initiative: $30 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 47: Within the increase provided, the recommendation includes an additional $13,500,000 for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Initiative. A total of $30,000,000 is provided to address the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women, including resources for criminal investigators, software platforms, and evidence recovery equipment. The Committee directs BIA to work with Tribal and Federal law enforcement agencies to facilitate sharing law enforcement and public records data and other technological tools to assist those agencies in finding missing individuals.
Community Health Representatives: $69.62 million
  • No report language.
Mental Health: $140.74 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 94: The recommendation includes $140,746,000 for Mental Health/Social Services, $10,981,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse: $282.38 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 94: The recommendation includes $282,389,000, $15,753,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, for Alcohol and Substance Abuse programs.
Produce Prescription Pilot Program: $7 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 93: The recommendation includes $7,000,000, $4,000,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, for IHS to expand, in coordination with Tribes and Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs), the Produce Prescription Pilot to implement a produce prescription model to increase access to produce and other traditional foods among its service population. The Committee encourages IHS to provide a briefing to the Committee not later than 90 days following the enactment of this Act on the distribution of funds and implementation efforts
Tribal Epidemiology Centers: $44.43 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 93: The Committee recognizes the importance of Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TEC) which conduct epidemiology and public health functions critical to the delivery of health care services for Tribal and urban Indian communities. The recommendation includes $44,433,000 for TECs, $10,000,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level.
Maternal Health: $3 million
  • Bill Report, pg. 93: The recommendation includes $3,000,000, $1,000,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, for Improving Maternal Health.
Alzheimer’s Disease: $6 million
  • Bill Report pg. 93: The recommendation includes $6,000,000, $500,000 above the fiscal year 2024 enacted level, to continue Alzheimer’s and related dementia activities. These funds will enable awardees to continue to implement locally developed models of culturally appropriate screening, diagnostics, and management of people living with Alzheimer’s and other related dementia. This funding also supports the Dementia ECHO program, designed to support clinicians and caregivers to strengthen their knowledge and care around dementia for Tribal patients.
Background and Advocacy

On March 9, 2024, President Biden released his budget request for FY25 which included $8.2 billion for IHS and proposed mandatory funding for IHS from FY 2026 to FY 2034 to the amount of $288.9 billion over-ten years as well as exempting IHS from sequestration. This mandatory formula would culminate in $42 billion for IHS in FY 2033, to account for inflation, staffing increases, long-COVID treatment, and construction costs. On March 11, 2024, IHS published their FY 2024 Congressional Justification with the full details of the President’s Budget, which includes $95 million for urban Indian health – a 5% increase above the FY 2024 enacted amount of $90.42 million.

NCUIH also requested full funding for urban Indian health for FY 2025 at $963.5 million for urban Indian Health in FY25 in accordance with the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup recommendations. NCUIH requested that advance appropriations be maintained for the Indian Health Service (IHS) until mandatory funding is achieved. This budget recommendation is the result of Tribal leaders, over several decades, providing budget recommendations to phase in funding increases over 10-12 years to address growing health disparities that have largely been ignored.

On May 8, 2024, NCUIH Board Member and Executive Director of Helena Indian Alliance – Leo Pocha Clinic, Todd Wilson (Crow), testified before and submitted public witness written testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies regarding FY 2025 funding. NCUIH requested full funding for IHS at $53.8 billion and $ 965.3 million for Urban Indian Health for FY 2025 as requested by the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup (TBFWG), maintain advance appropriations for IHS, and protecting IHS from sequestration.

NCUIH recently worked closely with Representatives Gallego and Grijalva on leading a Congressional letter signed by 52 House members to the House Committee on Appropriations for FY 2025. The letter has bipartisan support and calls for support for Urban Indian Health based on the TBFWG’s recommendation and to maintain advance appropriations for IHS until such time that authorizers move IHS to mandatory spending. On May 14, 2024, a group of 20 Senators sent a letter to the Senate Interior Appropriations Committee with the same requests.

VA Exempts Over 5,000 Native Veterans from Copayments, Reimburses $3 Million: VA Secretary McDonough Highlights Progress at NCUIH Conference

On April 17, 2024, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that more than 4,000 Native Veterans have been approved for the VA’s copayment exemption and has exempted and/or reimbursed over 168,000 copayments totaling more than $3 million for Native Veterans. During NCUIH’s Annual Conference on April 30, 2024, VA Secretary Denis McDonough highlighted these new numbers and noted an update – that over 6000 Native Veterans have applied and over 5000 had been approved.


American Indians and Alaska Natives serve in the military at some of the highest rates in the country, and many Native veterans receive healthcare from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), alongside IHS, Tribal, and urban Indian organization (UIO) facilities. Unfortunately, American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans generally face a higher rate of mental health disorders compared to White veterans.

On April 4, 2023, VA published a final rule in the Federal Register establishing the waiver process for Veterans to submit documentation to have their VA copays waived. This rule implements Section 3002 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 Public Law 116-315, signed into law on January 5, 2021, which prohibits collection of a health care copayment by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from an American Indian and Alaska Native Veteran who meets the definitions of “Indian” or “urban Indian” under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA).

The copayment exemption is a crucial step in honoring the federal government’s trust responsibility to “maintain and improve the health of the Indians” and NCUIH has been a strong advocate for this policy. NCUIH continues to stress that Native Veterans are entitled to this copayment exemption due to the federal government’s responsibility to provide and support services for Native Veterans, fulfilling the trust responsibility for healthcare provisions for all American Indians and Alaska Natives. We remain committed to engaging with the VA on issues affecting American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans in urban areas.

See NCUIH resources on the VA Copayment Exemption for Native Veterans:

NCUIH Requests Inclusive Governance and Equitable Cohort Selection for Urban Indian Organizations in IHS’ Health Information Technology Modernization Efforts

On March 7, 2024, and June 7, 2024, the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) submitted written comments to the Indian Health Service (IHS) Director, Roselyn Tso, regarding the IHS’ January 18, 2024, Dear Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Leader letter (DTLL/DULL) about the February 8, 2024, and May 9, 2024, Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer (TC/UC) sessions regarding Health Information Technology (HIT) Modernization. In its comments, NCUIH requested that HIT Modernization governance be inclusive of urban Indian organizations (UIOs) by ensuring Domain Groups reflect the scope of facility types, and that the cohort selection process is equitable by ensuring that cohort selection equally prioritizes all facility types.

NCUIH’s Requests

The purpose of the February 8 TC/UC session was for IHS to receive feedback from Tribes and UIOs concerning the HIT Modernization Enterprise Collaboration Group (ECG). The ECG will be a user-focused body that will inform system configuration in clinical and administrative areas.  It will review preferred, evidence-based practices and recommendations for operational aspects of the EHR implementation and deployment. IHS stated that one of the purposes of the ECG is to ensure users of the enterprise EHR drive the configuration of the system that they will use for patient care. It will also engage Tribes and UIOs and their users in enterprise EHR management. Within the ECG there will be Domain Groups which will be multi-disciplinary bodies comprised of EHR users from IHS, Tribal health centers and UIOs (I/T/U) and will be forums for clinical and business subject matter experts to make EHR design and configuration recommendations on behalf of the end users the represent.

For the presentation slides from the February 8 TC/UC session, please click here.

In its comments to this urban confer, NCUIH requested IHS:

  • Ensure all UIO facility types are represented in the ECG Domain Groups
  • Encourage consideration of interoperability by the ECG either through existing Domain Groups or a new Domain Group
  • Ensure Tribal and UIO representation on the ECG Executive Committee
  • Clarify expectations, scope, and outcomes for Domain Groups

The purpose of the May 9 TC/UC session was for IHS to receive feedback from Tribes and UIOs concerning HIT Modernization deployment and cohort planning. IHS presented on the proposed timeline for deployment implementation pathways and approach, and the steps Tribes and UIOs can take to prepare for implementation at their individual sites. IHS will begin the HIT Modernization process by first having implementation occur at IHS pilot sites and then begin implementation at cohorts using the lessons learned from pilot sites. The cohorts will be groups of facilities selected for simultaneous system implementation.

For the presentation slides from the May 9 TC/UC session, please click here.

In its comments to this urban confer, NCUIH requested IHS:

  • Clarify the cohort identification process
  • Ensure IHS accounts for challenges related to operational and financial costs
  • Develop training materials for I/T/U facilities to use as a planning base to prepare for transitioning to a new Electronic Health Record (EHR)
  • Ensure IHS address data integration and migration process for a new EHR

NCUIH Advocacy on HIT Modernization

NCUIH has previously submitted several comments to IHS on HIT Modernization:

NCUIH also submitted written testimony  to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies regarding the Fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding for UIOs in which NCUIH requested increased funding for EHR Modernization. Specifically, NCUIH requested support for the IHS’ transition to a new EHR system for IHS and UIOs by supporting the President’s budget request of $913 million in FY 2024 appropriations.

NCUIH will continue to closely follow IHS’s progress and policies with HIT Modernization.

Background on IHS HIT Modernization

During the November 8, 2023, Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer on HIT Modernization, IHS announced that it selected General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc. (GDIT) to build, configure, and maintain a new IHS enterprise Electronic Health Record (EHR) system utilizing Oracle Cerner technology. The new EHR will replace the Resource and Patient Management System.

For more information about HIT Modernization implementation, please click here.

IHS Releases New Quarterly Report Highlighting Progress on Urban Indian Health Priorities: 100% FMAP, Collaboration with Other Federal Agencies

On May 21, 2024, the Indian Health Service’s (IHS) Office of Urban Indian Health Programs (OUIHP) released their 4th Quarterly Report outlining progress on the agency’s 2023 Work Plan to implement the goals from the 2023-2027 OUIHP Strategic Plan for urban Indian organizations (UIOs).

The quarterly report highlights the OUIHP accomplishments as of December 31, 2023, on the five pillars outlined in the Strategic Plan: provide effective, timely and transparent communication; improve OUIHP’s operational oversight and management; leverage partnerships to expand UIO resources; improve data quality; and expand the infrastructure and capacity of UIOs. The accomplishments include providing technical assistance to other federal agencies to engage UIO leaders in an IHS UIO Listening Session, collaborations with the Veterans Health Administration and the White House Council on Native American Affairs Health Committee, and providing technical assistance on 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (100% FMAP) and the assignment of United States Public Health Service Commissioned Officers to UIOs.

View the full list of accomplishments in the quarterly report here.


In June 2023, IHS released their 2023-2027 OUIHP Strategic Plan which describes how OUIHP will achieve its mission and vision through five strategic pillars to support urban Indian organizations:

  • Provide effective, timely, and transparent communication;
  • Improve OUIHP’s operational oversight and management;
  • Leverage partnerships to expand UIO resources;
  • Improve data quality; and
  • Expand the infrastructure and capacity of UIOs.

IHS also released its corresponding work plan that outlines critical actions and activities to implement these strategic goals, and includes communications on progress, barriers encountered, and accomplishments. The OUIHP tracks progress for each activity and evaluates progress over time. According to the work plan, progress will be shared with UIOs, partners, and stakeholders quarterly.

NCUIH’s Role

NCUIH played a critical role in the drafting of the 2023-2027 OUIHP Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan. NCUIH has submitted a total of four comments to OUIHP with recommendations to strengthen the plans, specifically requesting that the agency develop quarterly reports to provide information on OUIHP’s progress towards achieving the goals and objectives described in the Strategic Plan, and making those reports publicly available.

June Policy Updates: Supreme Court, Budget News and Upcoming Events

In this Edition:

📸 Monitoring the Bench: Supreme Court Rules 5-4 in Favor of Tribes on Reimbursement of Contract Support Costs for Third-Party Expenses

🏢 FY 2025 Appropriations Update: House FY 2025 Bill Proposes 23% Increase for the Indian Health Service.

🏛 NCUIH in Action: Highlights from June events and conferences.

💬 Advocacy Highlights: Support for Tribal Border Crossing Bill & Addiction Resources.

📝 Federal Agency Comments: NCUIH Advocates for Tribal and Urban Input on IHS Health IT and Strategic Planning Initiatives

🔜 Consultations & Comment Opportunities: Behavioral Health Funding, VHA-IHS Operational Plan

📅 Upcoming Events: Important dates for July meetings and conferences.

📋 Funding Opportunities: HRSA and SAMHSA grants are available.

Monitoring the Bench: Supreme Court Rules 5-4 in Favor of Tribes on Reimbursement of Contract Support Costs for Third-Party Expenses

Illustration of two gavels forming an x in front of the Supreme Court building

Becerra v. San Carlos Apache (consolidated with Becerra v. Northern Arapaho Tribe)

On June 6, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 opinion in favor of Tribes.

The bottom line: The court held that when interpreting the Indian Self Determination Act (ISDA), Tribes are entitled to recover contract support costs (CSCs) for expenses incurred when spending third-party revenue to operate their healthcare programs.

Why it matters:

  • While there will be impacts on the IHS budget and how funds are allocated, it is not currently clear what budgetary impacts will be moving forward because the cost of covering these expenses is not yet known.

The big picture: House Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK-4), House Appropriations Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-3), and Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Mike Simpson (R-ID-2) indicated support for the shift of CSC to mandatory funding.

  • Given the caps on funding under the Fiscal Responsibility Act, a shift to mandatory funding is not expected in FY2025.

What We’re Doing: On June 21, 2024, NCUIH joined a letter led by the National Indian Health Board and signed by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), and 25 other organizations, urging Congressional Appropriations leaders to transition CSCs and 105(l) leases to mandatory appropriations.

What else?: Cole said appropriators should consider moving IHS to the much larger Labor-HHS-Education measure, the largest nondefense bill.

Our thought bubble:

FC on SC

Go deeper: Read NCUIH’s Press Release and FAQ on the Supreme Court Decision.

What’s next: NCUIH will monitor budget conversations and potential impacts on the Urban Indian health line item.

Appropriations Updates: House FY 2025 Bill Proposes 23% Increase for the Indian Health Service

Illustration of the U.S. Capitol

House Updates:

On June 27, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies released the draft FY 2025 budget bill.

By the numbers: The bill provides $38.478 billion for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, which is $72 million below the FY24 levels and $4.407 billion below the Biden Administration’s request.

Yes, but: Despite the overall reduction, the bill proposes $8.56 billion for IHS which is $1.6 billion (+23%) above the FY24 enacted levels and $360 million (+4.4%) above the Biden Administration’s request.

  • Additionally, the bill provides $5.98 billion in advance appropriations for FY26.

Read the draft House Interior Bill.

Read NCUIH’s blog.

What else?: On June 27, the House Subcommittee held a markup for the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) bill, which includes funding for vital programs such as Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country, Native Connections, and the AI/AN Suicide Prevention Initiative.

On June 28, the Subcommittee held a markup for the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies bill.

Why it matters: This markup and bill show that Congress continues to prioritize the responsibility in spite of the spending caps imposed by the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

Senate Updates

On May 23, the Senate Interior Appropriations Committee held a hearing on the President’s FY 2025 budget for IHS.

What they’re saying: Sen. Van Hollen asked a question that NCUIH drafted about what can be done to address the underfunding of UIOs.

  • Director Tso responded that ensuring that reimbursement is similar to the rest of the I/T/U system is critical and that initiatives such as granting UIOs a 100% FMAP, would be instrumental in addressing UIO underfunding.

The Senate has not yet scheduled their subcommittee markups.

NCUIH Action

NCUIH submitted written testimony to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees regarding the FY25 budgets for IHS and HHS. In the testimonies, NCUIH requested the following:

  • Full funding for IHS and Urban Indian Health as requested by the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup

  • Maintain Advance Appropriations for IHS, until mandatory funding is authorized and protect IHS from sequestration.

  • Fund the Initiative for Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes

  • Fund the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country Program

  • Protect Funding for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment.

  • Reclassify Contract Support Costs and 105 (l) Tribal Lease Payments as Mandatory Appropriations.

Read NCUIH’s blog.

What’s Next?: After the subcommittees complete their markups, the full Appropriations Committee will hold markups to pass the subcommittee appropriations bills. The dates for the full committee markups are as follows:

  • July 9: Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies bill.

  • July 10: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies bill.

  • With no Senate markups scheduled, the chances of passing a budget by September 30 decrease considerably.

Advocacy Highlights: Support for Tribal Border Crossing Bill & Addiction Resources


NCUIH has endorsed the bipartisan Tribal Border Crossing Parity Act (H.R. 7805), which would simplify the process for American Indian and Alaska Native people crossing the United States-Canada border and uphold Tribal sovereignty.

Why it matters: This bill would allow Tribal members to use their Tribe-issued IDs as proof of citizenship in a federally recognized Tribe to cross the border, rather than having to provide proof of 50% blood quantum.

Go deeper: Read NCUIH’s blog.

What else?: NCUIH has also endorsed the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency Act of 2024 (CARE Act) (S.4286/H.R. 8323), which would provide $125 billion in federal funding with over $1 billion year for tribal governments and organizations.

Why it matters: The bill proposes $150 million to Native non-profits and clinics, including urban Indian organizations and Native Hawaiian organizations, specifically to test culturally informed care models.

Go deeper: Read NCUIH’s blog.

NCUIH Advocates for Tribal and Urban Input on IHS Health IT and Strategic Planning Initiatives


On June 7, NCUIH submitted comments to IHS on Health Information Technology (HIT) Modernization Program: Deployment and Cohort Planning, which included a recommendation to ensure IHS accounts for challenges related to operational and financial costs.  

Background: IHS held a Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer on May 9 providing information and updates on the EHR implementation process. This is the second TC/UC and comment opportunity on HIT Modernization in 2024.

What’s next:

  • August 8, 2024 – Virtual Tribal Consultation/Urban Confer (HIT Modernization Program: Multi-Tenant Domain Considerations)

  • November 7, 2024 – Hybrid Tribal Consultation/Urban Confer (HIT Modernization Program: Site Readiness and Training)

What else?: On June 28, NCUIH submitted comments to IHS regarding IHS’ Strategic Plan for FY 2024-2028.

Background: IHS hosted an Urban Confer on May 30. The draft IHS Strategic Plan for FYs 2024-2028 will establish the Agency direction for the next 5 years.

Go deeper: NCUIH recommended that IHS incorporate urban Indian health into the plan, improve data accuracy, and engage UIOs throughout the plan’s development.

Upcoming Federal Comment Opportunities: Behavioral Health Funding, VHA-IHS Operational Plan

Illustration of Congress with empty speech bubbles

Up First: July 22 – IHS Urban Confer regarding Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) Funding Initiatives.

Background: IHS held an urban confer on June 20, 2024. In fiscal year (FY) 2024, the IHS administered more than $59 million in behavioral health initiatives funding.

  • DBH is evaluating Agency-wide processes for distributing appropriated funding for 7 behavioral health initiatives: Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Aftercare (SASP); Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention (SPIP); Domestic Violence Prevention; Forensic Healthcare Services; Behavioral Health Integration Initiative (BH2I); Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI); and Youth Regional Treatment Centers Aftercare (YRTC).

What’s next: The comment submission deadline for both the Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer is on Monday, July 22, 2024. Consultation comments should be directed to

TBD– VHA-IHS MOU Operational Plan for FY24 and Joint Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer

  • Background: The VA and IHS sent a Dear Tribal and Urban Leader Letter seeking feedback on the VHA-IHS MOU Operational Plan for FY 2024. The date for the VA/IHS Urban Confer is TBD. Learn more here.

NCUIH in Action: UIO Site Visit, June Engagements & Representations at Key Conferences


On June 4th, NCUIH CEO Francys Crevier represented UIOs at the 2024 Grantmakers in Health Annual Conference, and hosted a site visit for funders to NARA NW.

MR presenting

On June 11, NCUIH represented UIOs during a panel discussion at the Morehouse School of Medicine’s National COVID-19 Resiliency Network Partner Celebration.

Sam Moose (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe), Vice Chair, National Indian Health Board, Walter Murillo (Choctaw), NCUIH Board President

Sam Moose (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe), Vice Chair, National Indian Health Board, Walter Murillo (Choctaw), NCUIH Board President

On June 3-6, NCUIH represented UIOs at the NCAI Mid-Year Convention & Marketplace. NCUIH presented policy updates to the Health Subcommittee, which is co-chaired by NCUIH President Walter Murillo and NIHB. NCUIH President, Walter Murillo, also gave remarks at the General Assembly.

NCUIH Board President, Walter Murillo (Choctaw), presents before NCAI Mid-Year 2024 General Assembly.

NCUIH Board President, Walter Murillo (Choctaw), presents before NCAI Mid-Year 2024 General Assembly.

PhRMA Symposium

On June 24, NCUIH participated in the PhRMA Health Equity Symposium and engaged in meaningful discussions about assessing public policy solutions to advance health equity.

Recent Highlights: Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee, OUIHP Strategic Plan Update


June 11-12: IHS Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee (TLDC) Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ:

  • Adrianne Maddux, Executive Director at Denver Indian Health and Family Services and NCUIH Board Treasurer, represented UIOs at the meeting.

  • All 310 SDPI and SDPI-2 grant recipients have received full funding for the 2024 grant year, ending December 31, 2024. SDPI recipients (302) are funded until March 31, 2025. Sufficient funds are allocated to support SDPI-2 until December 31, 2027.

  • TLDC discussed $70 million in unobligated grant funding, proposing $10 million for Calendar Year 2024 supplements and $60 million for a 1-year physical activity grant, or $70 million for multi-year supplemental funding for SDPI grantees. Plans for a Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer are in progress.

June 11: Medicaid, Medicare, and Health Reform Policy Committee (MMPC) Monthly Meeting 

  • Twenty Senate Democrats have signed a letter requesting that the syphilis outbreak in Indian Country be declared a public health emergency.

May 21: IHS OUIHP posted the 2023 OUIHP 4th Quarter Work Plan Update outlining progress on the agency’s 2023 Work Plan to carry out the goals from the 2023-2027 OUIHP Strategic Plan for UIOs. 

Go deeper: The accomplishments, as of December 31, 2023, highlighted included:

  • Collaborations with the Veterans Health Administration and the White House Council on Native American Affairs Health Committee

  • Providing technical assistance on 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (100% FMAP) and the assignment of United States Public Health Service Commissioned Officers to UIOs.

Recent Dear Tribal Leader Letters (DTLLs) and Dear Urban Leader Letters (DULLs)

June 5: The IHS Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce Agency funding decisions on the Alzheimer’s Grant Program to Address Dementia in Tribal and Urban Indian Communities for fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

  • On May 20, 2024, the IHS released “Addressing Dementia in Indian Country: Enhancing Sustainable Models of Care,” a new 3-year funding opportunity that will fund six new Alzheimer’s programs totaling $1.2 million per year.

  • The grants will focus on expansion and sustainability planning as well as designing and testing approaches to incorporate current, new, and future billing opportunities through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS).

Upcoming Events

Calendar with events on it

July 16: MMPC Face-to-Face Meeting

July 17-18: CMS TTAG Face-to-Face Meeting

One last thing, check out these upcoming funding opportunities:

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention (NEPQR) – Workforce Expansion Program (WEP)

  • Application Deadline Date: July 26, 2024 (Apply)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Women’s Behavioral Health Technical Assistance Center

  • Application Deadline Date: August 20, 2024 (Apply)

American Medical Association Adopts Several American Indian and Alaska Native Health Focused Resolutions, Priorities Include Traditional Healing, Health Care Access, and Nutrition

The American Medical Association (AMA) held their Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates (HOD), on June 7-12, 2024. During this, various resolutions were presented that focused on American Indian and Alaska Native Communities and Indian Health Service, Tribal, and urban Indian Organization (I/T/U) Facilities. The resolutions covered key issues such as Traditional Healing, Nutrition, Healthcare Access, and Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP). The AMA has previously shown support for UIOs, during their 2023 HOD meeting, when they passed Resolution 812 (I-23), which included language on 100% FMAP for UIOs. Resolutions, once adopted, become AMA policy and are used to guide how the AMA will advocate with federal and state governments or other entities.  As the largest medical association, adoption of these resolutions by the AMA shows Congress and various agencies the importance of specific issues and initiatives to address them.

Below are the resolutions that passed, as well as the adopted language:

CMS Report 3 – Review of Payment Options for Traditional Healing Services

  • “Our AMA support monitoring of Medicaid Section 1115 waivers that recognize the value of traditional American Indian and Alaska Native healing services as a mechanism for improving patient-centered care and health equity among American Indian and Alaska Native populations when coordinated with physician-led care”
  • “Our AMA support consultation with Tribes to facilitate the development of best practices, including but not limited to culturally sensitive data collection, safety monitoring, the development of payment methodologies, healer credentialing, and tracking of traditional healing services utilization at Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Programs”

Resolution 101 – Infertility Coverage

  • “Our AMA will work with interested organizations to encourage the Indian Health Service to cover infertility diagnostics and treatment for patients seen by or referred through an Indian Health Service, Tribal, or Urban Indian Health Program”
  • “Our AMA support the review of services defined to be experimental or 49 excluded for payment by the Indian Health Service and for the appropriate bodies to make 50 evidence-based recommendations for updated health services coverage”

Resolution 206 – Indian Health Service Youth Regional Treatment Centers

  • “Our AMA support the expansion of Indian Health Service Youth Regional Treatment Centers, recognizing them as a model for culturally-rooted, evidence-based behavioral health treatment, and prompt referral of eligible AI/AN youth to Youth Regional Treatment Centers (YRTCs) for community-directed care”

Resolution 208 – Improving Supplemental Nutrition Programs

  • “Our AMA support regulatory and legal reforms to extend eligibility for USDA Food Assistance to enrolled members of federally-recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and Villages to all federal feeding programs, such as, but not limited to, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)”

Resolution 209 – Native American Voting Rights

  • “Our AMA support Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Programs becoming designated voter registration sites to promote nonpartisan civic engagement among the American Indian and Alaska Native population”

Resolution 215 – American Indian and Alaska Native Language Revitalization and Elder Care

  • “Our AMA recognize that access to language concordant services for AI/AN patients will require targeted investment as Indigenous languages in North America are threatened due to a complex history of removal and assimilation by state and federal actors”
  • “Our AMA support federal-tribal funding opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native language revitalization efforts, especially those that increase health information resources and access to language-concordant health care services for American Indian and Alaska Native elders living on or near tribal lands”
  • “Our AMA collaborate with stakeholders, including but not limited to the National Indian Council on Aging and Association of American Indian Physicians, to identify best practices for AI/AN elder care to ensure this group is provided culturally-competent healthcare outside of the umbrella of the Indian Health Service”

Resolution 242 – Health Care Access for American Indians and Alaska Natives

  • “Our AMA actively advocate for the federal government to continue enhancing and developing alternative pathways for American Indian and Alaska Native patients to access the full spectrum of cancer care and cancer-directed therapies outside of the established Indian Health Service system”
  • “Our AMA (a) support collaborative research efforts to better understand the limitations of IHS cancer care, including barriers to access, disparities in treatment outcomes, and areas for improvement and (b) encourage cancer linkage studies between the IHS and the CDC to better evaluate regional cancer rates, outcomes, and potential treatment deficiencies among American Indian and Alaska Native populations”

Resolution 305 – Public Service Loan Forgiveness Reform

  • “Our AMA also support the removal of any requirement for competitive bidding in the Indian Health Service that compromises proper care for the American Indian population”
  • “Our AMA will advocate that the Indian Health Service (IHS) establish an Office of Academic Affiliations responsible for coordinating partnerships with LCME- and COCA-accredited medical schools and ACGME-accredited residency programs”
  • “Our AMA will encourage the development of funding streams to promote rotations and learning opportunities at Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Programs”
  • “Our AMA will call for an immediate change in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program to allow physicians to receive immediate loan forgiveness when they practice in an Indian Health Service, Tribal, or Urban Indian Health Program”

Resolution 407 – Racial Misclassification

  • “Our AMA supports HIPAA-compliant data linkages between Native Hawaiian and Tribal Registries, population-based and hospital-based clinical trial and disease registries, and local, state, tribal, and federal vital statistics databases aimed at minimizing racial misclassification”

Resolution 408 – Indian Water Rights

  • “Our AMA raise awareness about ongoing water rights issues for federally-recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and Villages in appropriate forums”
  • “Our AMA support improving access to water and adequate sanitation, water treatment, and environmental support and health services on American Indian and Alaska Native trust lands”

Resolution 411 – Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons

  • “Our AMA supports emergency alert systems for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal members reported missing on reservations and in urban areas”

Resolution 420 – Equity in Dialysis Care

  • “Our American Medical Association declare kidney failure as a significant public 36 health problem with disproportionate affects and harm to under-represented communities”
  • “Our AMA vigorously pursue potential solutions and partnerships to identify economic, cultural, clinical and technological solutions that increase equitable access to all modalities of care including home dialysis”

Resolution 502 – Tribally-Directed Precision Medicine Research

  • “Our AMA support clinical funding supplements to the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Indian Health Service to promote greater participation of the Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Programs in clinical research”

Board of Trustees Report 31 – The Morrill Act and Its Impact on the Diversity of the Physician Workforce

  • “Our AMA acknowledges the significance of the Morrill Act of 1862, the resulting land-grant university system, and the federal trust responsibility related to tribal nations”
  • “Our AMA will convene key parties, including but not limited to the Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes/entities such as Indian Health Service and National Indian Health Board, to discuss the representation of AI/AN physicians in medicine and promotion of effective practices in recruitment, matriculation, retention, and graduation of medical students”

About the AMA House of Delegates (HOD)

NCUIH has worked with the AMA previously, as they have shown support for the needs of UIOs. Last year, NCUIH submitted written testimony to the 2023 Interim Meeting in support of a proposed resolution that included language on 100% FMAP for UIOs. This resulted in adoption of the resolution and acknowledgment by the AMA of FMAP for UIOs as a priority. Having the support of the AMA is impactful and shows Congress the need to pass 100% FMAP for UIOs. By adding resolutions during their recent HOD meeting that reflect additional needs and priorities of UIOs, the AMA is continuing this support and providing another advocacy tool for UIOs to utilize.

The House of Delegates (HOD) is the legislative and policy-making body of the American Medical Association. State medical associations and national medical specialty societies are represented in the HOD along with AMA sections, national societies such as American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and the National Medical Association (NMA), professional interest medical associations, and the federal services, including the Public Health Service. At HOD Meetings, resolutions are referred to the Reference Committee for open discussion and to allow recommendations for HOD action. If adopted by the HOD, the resolution can become the foundation of a new AMA program, establish or modify policy on an issue, or become a new directive for action. Policies of the AMA House of Delegates are policy statements on health topics and are one of the cornerstones of the AMA as they define what the Association stands for as an organization. They provide the information and guidance that physicians and others seek from the AMA about health care issues.

Senators Underscore the Importance of Urban Indian Health Funding and Safeguarding IHS Funding in FY 2025

On May 23, 2024, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a hearing with the Indian Health Service (IHS) entitled “To examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year (FY) 2025 for Indian Country.” At the hearing Chairman Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) welcomed testimony from Roslyn Tso, Director of the Indian Health Service, Jillian E. Curtis, CFO of the Indian Health Service, and Bryan Newland, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Department of the Interior. The hearing focused on the President’s FY25 budget and legislative proposals and their potential impact on Indian Country.

Congress Underscores Importance of UIO Funding to Provide Health Care

Many committee members expressed the importance of a budget that fulfills the trust responsibility to provide healthcare to American Indian and Alaska Native people. Sen. Van Hollen, Chris (D-MD) focused his questioning to IHS about the needs of urban Indian organizations (UIOs). Senator Van Hollen expressed concerns that it is critical to mention UIOs, given that UIOs “ensure access to comprehensive, culturally relevant healthcare.” He noted that, “The Indian Health Service spends about 1% on the urban Indian health programs.” Going further Sen. Van Hollen posed the question to Director Tso asking, “What are the limitations today to urban Indian health organizations being able to provide care they need to, and what are some specific proposals to the administration budget that might address that issue?” In response, Director Tso explained that ensuring that reimbursement is similar to the rest of the IHS/Tribal/UIO (I/T/U) system is necessary. She suggested that initiatives such as granting UIOs a 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage would be instrumental.

Senator Merkley Emphasizes the Need to Safeguard IHS Funding from Sequestration

Chairman Merkley also noted that IHS needs the same funding protections as the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), “It [the President’s budget] also proposes to make IHS funding exempt from sequestration, which the VA has already gained under the Fiscal Responsibility Act. Well, IHS was forgotten, … we should adopt a number of the VA reforms to afford the same dignity to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.” He also expressed his frustration with the proposed cuts to the Electronic Health Records (EHR) line item, given that the IHS’ EHR is over 40 years old.

Senator Tester (D-MT) noted his concerns regarding the President’s IHS budget proposal being $53 billion short of the estimation determined by Tribes and the current 30% vacancy rate at IHS, “How do you fulfill trust responsibilities with those kinds of numbers?… We put you guys [IHS] in a lose-lose position – we need more doctors, we need more nurses, the works.”

NCUIH is thankful for advocates within Senate who recognize that funding is critical to provide safe, quality, and equitable healthcare for all American Indian and Alaska Native people. NCUIH will continue to advocate for full, mandatory funding for IHS and Urban Indian Health.

FAQ on the June 6, 2024, San Carlos Apache v. Becerra Supreme Court Decision

1. What was the case about?

  • The issue in this case was whether the Indian Self-Determination Act (ISDA) requires the Indian Health Service (IHS) to pay the contract support costs (CSCs) a tribe incurs when collecting and spending program income to further the services and programs transferred to tribes from IHS in a self-determination contract.
  • The program income at issue is revenue collected from third-party payers such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers.

2. What did the Court decide?

  • The Supreme Court ruled 5-4, finding that the Indian Self Determination Act requires the Indian Health Service to reimburse Tribes for CSCs incurred when collecting and spending program income from third-party payers.
  • To summarize, the court found that self-determination contracts between Tribes and IHS require spending and collection of third-party revenue. By doing this and incurring administrative costs, IHS is required by ISDA to reimburse those CSCs.
  • The court also acknowledged and recognized that finding differently would go against the purpose and intent of ISDA, as it would penalize Tribes for pursuing self-determination.

3. Why is the Court’s decision correct from an Indian Law perspective?

  • Congress passed ISDA in 1975, in part, to support Tribal self-determination by promoting the “effective and meaningful participation by the Indian people in the planning, conduct, and administration” of federal healthcare programs.
  • Under ISDA, Tribes enter into contracts with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to assume responsibility for administering the healthcare programs that IHS would otherwise operate for the Tribe.
  • ISDA requires that health programs operated by Tribes under a self-determination agreement receive the same amount of funds that the program would have received had IHS maintained control of the program. This includes funding to cover administration and overhead costs that the government does not incur, and thus does not pay, when it runs the program, otherwise known as “contract support costs.”
  • In their decision, the court focused on the purpose of ISDA in the context of the plain language of the statute.
  • Using this approach, the court found that the expenses at issue fall squarely within ISDA’s definition of contract support costs, and reimbursement of these expenses align with statutory requirements.
  • By basing their decision on ISDA, the court has acknowledged the federal trust responsibility and obligation to Tribes.
  • Notably, the Court did not address the budgetary implications associated with including these costs in contract support costs payments, because ISDA clearly does not place any cost limitations on CSCs.
  • Cost analysis is within the domain of Congress, and it is outside of Court’s power to account for cost concerns when the statutory text does not require it.

4. What does this mean for CSCs?

  • CSCs must now include the expenses incurred by Tribes when spending third-party revenue to operate their healthcare program.
  • This means that IHS is now responsible for reimbursing those costs, on top of the CSCs already being reimbursed.

5. What does this generally mean for the IHS budget?

  • To account for the increased CSCs for collecting and spending third-party revenue, the overall CSCs line item will have to be increased.
  • This will be done during the appropriations process and could result in the IHS budget increasing overall, or for other areas to receive decreased funding to meet the increased requirement for CSCs.
  • It is not yet clear when and how the increased CSCs will affect the IHS budget, and NCUIH is monitoring budget discussions relating to this topic.
  • The federal government estimated the financial impact of the decision to be between $800 million and $2 billion annually but could not provide support for this estimation when pressed to do so by the Court in oral argument. It is not clear where the government got this number from, and it is too early to tell what the actual cost will be.

6. What are the expected effects on the FY2024 and FY2025 Budget?

  • The CSCs are not expected to affect the FY2024 appropriations, as they have already been set and dispersed, but the effect on FY2025 and beyond is unclear.
  • The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is currently updating the FY2025 score for the Interior bill based off the decision, but how the score affects the actual budget will depend on the appropriated amount for FY25.

7. Is there a long-term budgetary solution for increasing CSC costs?

  • IHS and partner organizations such as NIHB have emphasized that the best option moving forward is for CSCs to be classified as mandatory funding starting in 2026.
  • This will be achieved in a similar process as advance appropriations were, through the appropriations process by including specific language in the appropriations bill.
  • The shift to mandatory has been a priority of the National Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup for several years.
  • Last year, NCUIH also signed on to a letter with the National Indian Health Board and 21 Tribal Nations in support of shifting CSCs to mandatory for FY2024.
  • There is hope that the decision will place increased pressure on Congress to classify CSCs as mandatory.

8. How is IHS implementing the decision?

  • Director Tso and IHS are taking steps to create and implement a plan of action for updating the CSC reimbursement process to account for the decision.
  • On June 13, Director Tso released a Dear Tribal Leader Letter outlining the Agency’s plan moving forward, which includes convening the CSC Advisory Group in July 2024 and a full Tribal consultation by August 2024.
  • IHS also released an interim guidance document on the process for claiming CSCs for third party expenses.

9. Will UIOs be affected?

  • Again, it is not clear whether UIOs will be affected or not.
  • How the increase in CSCs will affect the budget will not be clear until the actual cost of the increase is known
  • NCUIH will keep a close eye on how the budget discussions are developing.

10. If UIOs are affected, how would this play out?

  • Once the costs are determined, it is possible that the urban Indian health line item will be reduced to make up for the additional CSCs.
  • This is because UIO funds are discretionary appropriations and the IHS budget is in the Interior appropriations bill.
  • There is only a certain amount of money the committee can allocate amongst all agencies within the Interior.
  • Another aspect to consider is that due to being an indefinite appropriation and being provided an unlimited amount of funds, CSCs are paid first before any other areas of the IHS budget can be paid, affecting the total amount available. It may not be just the urban Indian health line item impacted, but other areas of the IHS budget also seeing decreases as well.
  • However, because the urban Indian health line item has historically been close to 1% of the IHS budget, it is possible that the urban Indian health line item remains unaffected, and the funds are allocated from a different line item within the IHS budget.
  • Urban Indian Health is funded under the Indian Health Service through the Services Account. CSCs are funded through the Indian Health Service under the CSC Account. However, IHS has one overall budget.
  • Which line item is affected will be decided during the appropriations process.
  • NCUIH plans to monitor this situation moving forward and will provide updates, once there is more certainty in how the budget will be affected by the decision.
  • It’s important to note that this decision is not expected to impact funding for FY2024 as those funds have already been appropriated. Any impacts to UIOs or the IHS budget overall are expected to begin in FY2025.

House FY 2025 Bill Proposes 23% Increase for the Indian Health Service, Maintains Advance Appropriations

On June 27, 2024, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies released the draft bill text for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget. The bill provides $38.478 billion for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, which is $72 million below the FY24 levels and $4.407 billion below the Biden Administration’s request. Despite the overall reduction, the bill proposes $8.56 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS) which is $1.6 billion (+23%) above the FY24 enacted levels and $360 million (+4.4%) above the Biden Administration’s request. Additionally, the bill provides $5.98 billion in advance appropriations for FY26. Appropriations Committee Chairman Cole (R-OK) emphasized that this bill “safeguards the sacred oath this nation made to protect Native American communities.” 

Next Steps 

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies will hold a markup meeting on June 28, 2024. Once the Subcommittee approves the bill, it will proceed to the full Appropriations Committee for markup on July 9, 2024. During this full Committee markup, a detailed bill report will be provided, outlining the specific amounts for line items within the IHS budget, including the urban Indian health line item. NCUIH will offer a detailed analysis of the budget once the bill report is released. 

NCUIH Calls for Full, Protected Funding of Indian Health Service & Funding for Key Indian Health Programs in Written Testimony to House and Senate Appropriators

In May 2024, The National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) submitted written testimony to the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS), as well as to the  House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies regarding Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 funding. NCUIH advocated in its testimony for full funding for the Indian Health Service (IHS) and Urban Indian Health and increased resources for key health programs.

In the testimonies, NCUIH requested the following:

  • Full funding at $53.85 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS) and $965.3 million for Urban Indian Health for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 (as requested by the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup).
  • Maintain Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Service, until mandatory funding is authorized and protect IHS from sequestration.
  • Fund the Initiative for Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes at $10 million for FY25.
  • Fund the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) Program at $30 Million for FY25.
  • Protect Funding for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment.
  • Reclassify Contract Support Costs and 105 (l) Tribal Lease Payments as Mandatory Appropriations.

Next Steps:

These testimonies will be considered by the House and Senate Appropriations Committee and used in the development of FY25 spending bills. NCUIH will continue to advocate for these requests in FY 2025 and work closely with Appropriators throughout the remainder of the Appropriations process.

Full Text:

My name is Francys Crevier, I am Algonquin and the Chief Executive Officer of the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH), a national representative of the 41 UIOs contracting with the Indian Health Service under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) and the American Indians and Alaska Native patients they serve. On behalf of NCUIH and the UIOs we serve, I would like to thank Chair Baldwin, Ranking Member Moore Capito, and Members of the Subcommittee for your leadership to improve health outcomes for urban Indians.

We respectfully request the following:

  • $53.85 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS) and $965.3 million for Urban Indian Health for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 (as requested by the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup).
  • Maintain Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Service, until mandatory funding is authorized and protect IHS from sequestration.
  • Fund the Initiative for Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes at $10 million for FY25.
  • Fund the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) Program at $30 Million for FY25.
  • Protect Funding for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment.

NCUIH Supports Tribal Sovereignty

First, I would like to emphasize that NCUIH respects and supports Tribal sovereignty and the unique government-to-government relationship between our Tribal Nations and the United States. NCUIH works to support those federal laws, policies, and procedures that respect and uplift Tribal sovereignty and the government-to-government relationship. NCUIH does not support any federal law, policy, or procedure that infringes upon, or in any way diminishes, Tribal sovereignty or the government-to-government relationship.

Urban Indian Organizations Play a Critical Role in Providing Health Care for American Indian and Alaska Native People

UIOs were created by urban American Indian and Alaska Native people, with the support of Tribal leaders, starting in the 1950s in response to severe problems with health, education, employment, and housing caused by the federal government’s forced relocation policies[1]. Congress formally incorporated UIOs into the Indian Health System in 1976 with the passage of IHCIA. Today, over 70% of American Indian and Alaska Native people live in urban areas. UIOs are an integral part of the Indian health system, comprised of the Indian Health Service, Tribes, and UIOs (collectively I/T/U), and provide essential healthcare services, including primary care, behavioral health, and social and community services, to patients from over 500 Tribes[2] in 38 urban areas across the United States. There are four different UIO facility types, including full ambulatory, limited ambulatory, outreach and referral, and outpatient and residential alcohol and substance abuse treatment, that offer a wide range of healthcare services.

UIOs are on the front lines in providing for the health and well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native people living in urban areas, many of whom lack access to care that would otherwise be provided through IHS and Tribal facilities. American Indians and Alaska Native people experience major health disparities compared to the general U.S. populations, including, lower life expectancy,[3] and higher rates of infant and maternal mortality. A lack of sufficient federal funding plays a significant role in these continuing devastating health disparities,[4] and Congress must do more to fully fund the Indian health system to improve health outcomes for all American Indian and Alaska Native people.

Request: Fully fund the Indian Health Service at $53.85 billion and Urban Indian Health at $965.3 million for FY25

The United States has a trust responsibility to provide “federal health services to maintain and improve the health” of American Indian and Alaska Native people. This responsibility is codified in IHCIA.[5] Additionally, it is the policy of the United States “to ensure the highest possible health status for Indians and urban Indians and to provide all resources necessary to effect that policy.”[6] To finally fulfill its trust responsibility, we request that Congress fully fund Indian Health at $53.85 billion for the Indian Health Service and $965.3 million for Urban Indian Health. These amounts reflect the recommendations made by the Tribal Budget Formulation Work Group (TBFWG), a workgroup comprised of Tribal leaders representing all twelve IHS service areas and serving all 574 federally recognized Tribes.

According to the TBFWG, fulfillment of the trust responsibility “remain[s] illusory due to chronically underfunded and woefully inadequate annual spending by Congress.”[7] Congress must prioritize increasing funding, as the current FY24 allocation of $6.96 billion for IHS and $90.49 million for Urban Indian Health represents only 12.9% and 9.4% respectively of the total FY24 funding requested by Tribes and UIOs to adequately address current needs.

UIOs are primarily funded through a single line item in the IHS budget, the Urban Indian Health line item, and without a significant increase to this line item, UIOs will continue to be forced to operate on limited and inflexible budgets, that limit their ability to fully address the needs of their patients. As one UIO leader highlighted, “funding to the Urban Indian Health line item is critical in ensuring that our funding better meets the needs of urban tribal citizens who come to us seeking medical, dental, and behavioral health care. Increased funding means that we can worry less about having to deny or delay care because of budget constraints.” For example, current funding levels pose challenges for UIOs in offering competitive salaries to hire and retain qualified staff who are essential for UIOs to continue to deliver quality care to their patients. Additionally, UIOs need resources to expand their services and programs to address the needs of their communities, including addressing pressing issues such as food insecurity, behavioral health challenges, and rising facilities costs. One UIO reported, “increased funding will allow our UIO to sustain our program capacity, maintain our workforce, address infrastructure needs, and expand health services that are greatly needed within our community.” Increased investments in Urban Indian Health will continue to result in the expansion of health care services, increased jobs, and improvement of the overall health in urban Native communities.

Request: Retain Advance Appropriations for IHS until Mandatory Funding is Authorized and Protect IHS from Sequestration

Advanced appropriations allowed the I/T/U system to operate normally and without fear of funding lapses during the entire FY24 budget negotiation process. Among other benefits, when IHS distributes their funding on time, our UIOs can pay their doctors and providers without disruption, ensuring continuity of care for UIO patients. Additionally, advanced appropriations allow our UIOs to ensure they can stay open and provide patients with critically needed care, even in the event of a government shut down. We emphasize that advanced appropriations are a crucial step towards ensuring long-term, stable funding for the I/T/U system and, therefore, it is imperative that you include advance appropriations for IHS FY26 in the final FY25 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

While advance appropriations are a step in the right direction to avoid disruptions during government shutdowns and continuing resolutions, mandatory funding is the only way to assure fairness in funding and fulfillment of the trust responsibility. As the President’s FY25 budget notes, “Mandatory funding is the most appropriate, long-term solution for adequate, stable, and predictable funding for the Indian health system.”[8] We request your support for mandatory funding, and until authorizers act to move IHS to mandatory funding, we request you continue to provide advance appropriations to the Indian health system to improve certainty and stability.

We also request that this Committee protect IHS from sequestration through an amendment to Section 255 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act[9]. Sequestration forces Indian Health Care Providers to make difficult decisions about the scope of healthcare services they can offer to American Indian and Alaska Native patients. For example, the sequestration of $220 million in IHS’ budget authority for FY13 resulted in an estimated reduction of 3,000 inpatient admissions and 804,000 outpatient visits for American Indian and Alaska Native patients[10].

Sequestering funds reduces UIOs’ ability to provide essential services to their patients and communities, delaying care and reducing UIO capacity to take on additional patients. One UIO leader emphasized that loss of funding “translates into Tribal citizens lacking access to care that is guaranteed to them through the trust and treaty obligations held by the United States. Cuts mean UIOs can’t provide things like insulin for diabetics, counseling services for survivors of domestic violence, and oral surgery for our relatives.”

Request: Fund the Initiative for Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes at $10 million for FY25

The FY24 LHHS spending bill appropriated $6 million in new funding to address Native American cancer outcomes, by creating the Initiative for Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes.[11] The Initiative will support efforts including research, education, outreach, and clinical access to improve the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers among American Indian and Alaska Native people. The purpose of the Initiative is to ultimately improve the screenings, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer for American Indian and Alaska Native patients.

This Initiative will be critical to addressing cancer-related health disparities in Indian Country. According to the American Cancer Society, the mortality rates for liver, stomach, and kidney cancers in Native American people are twice as high as mortality rates for White people.[12]  We request that the Committee support the Initiative by continuing to appropriate funds for the Initiative in FY25 and increasing funding to $10 million.

Request: Fund the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) program at $30 Million for FY25

The GHWIC program provides essential funding support to Tribes, Tribal organizations, and UIOs to improve chronic disease prevention efforts, expand physical activity, and reduce commercial tobacco use. The program is currently funded at $24 million, but additional funding is needed to maintain programmatic success and account for rising costs. NCUIH requests the Committee support the GHWIC program by increasing funding to $30 million for FY25.

Request: Protect Funding for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment

American Indian and Alaska Native people have the highest rate of undiagnosed HIV cases compared to other racial/ethnic groups in the U.S.[13], and according to IHS, as many as 34% of the American Indian and Alaska Native people living with HIV infection do not know it.[14] UIOs are an important resource for urban American Indian and Alaska Native people for HIV/AIDS testing and referral to appropriate care Maintaining UIO programmatic support for HIV/AIDS is critical to safeguarding the health of urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Therefore, we request that the Committee protect funding for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs, such as the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund, by maintaining funding for these programs at current levels.

Request: Reclassify Contract Support Costs and 105 (l) Tribal Lease Payments as Mandatory Appropriations

We are also in strong support of the TBFWG’s proposal to reclassify Contract Support Costs (CSC) and Section 105(l) Tribal Lease Payments as mandatory appropriations.  These accounts are already mandatory in nature, and their inclusion in the discretionary budget makes it difficult for other programs to expand under discretionary funding caps.  In 2014, the Appropriations Committees highlighted the challenging nature of these payments, stating, “Typically obligations of this name are addressed through mandatory spending, but in this case since they fall under discretionary spending, they have the potential to impact all other programs funded under the Interior and Environment Appropriations bill, including other equally important tribal programs.”[15]  This proposal will make sure that other IHS programs are not impacted by these costs and can receive true increases to their line items. Reclassifying as mandatory appropriations will have no direct impact on the federal budget and does not conflict with restrictions set forth by the Fiscal Responsibility Act. On July 12, 2023, NCUIH joined the National Indian Health Board and 21 Tribal Nations and Native Partner Organizations in sending a letter to House and Senate leadership in support of this proposal.


The federal government must continue to work to fulfill its trust obligation to maintain and improve the health of American Indians and Alaska Natives. We urge Congress to take this obligation seriously and provide the I/T/U system with the resources necessary to protect the lives of the entirety of the American Indian and Alaska Native population, regardless of where they live. The requests outlined herein are an important step towards fulfilling this obligation, and we respectfully request your consideration of each request.

[1] Relocation, National Council for Urban Indian Health, 2018. 2018_0519_Relocation.pdf(Shared)- Adobe cloud storage

[2] Indian Health Service, IHS National Budget Formulation Data Reports for Urban Indian Organizations (2023),

[3] Elizabeth Arias, et. al., Provisional life expectancy estimates for 2021, Vital Statistics Rapid Release; no 23, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics System (Aug. 2022), available at DOI:

[4] U.S. Comm’n on Civil Rights, Broken Promises: Continuing Federal Funding Shortfall for Native Americans (Dec. 2018), available at:; The National Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup, Advancing Health Equity Through the Federal Trust Responsibility: Full Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships, The National Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup’s Recommendations on the Indian Health Service Fiscal Year 2024 Budget 17 (May 2022), available at:

[5] 25 U.S.C. § 1601(1)

[6] 25 USC § 1602.

[7] The National Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup, Honor Trust and Treaty Obligations: A Tribal Budget Request to Address the Tribal Health

Inequity Crisis, The National Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup’s Recommendations on the Indian Health Service Fiscal Year 2025 Budget (April 2023), available at:

[8] IHS FY25Congressional Justification,

[9] P.L. 118–31

[10] Contract Support Costs and Sequestration: Fiscal Crisis in Indian Country: Hearings before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.(2013) (Testimony of The Honorable Yvette  Roubideaux)

[11] H.R.2882 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, H.R.2882, 118th Cong. (2024),

[12] Siegel RL , Giaquinto AN , Jemal A . Cancer statistics, 2024. CA Cancer J Clin. 2024; 74(1): 12-49. doi:10.3322/caac.21820.

[13] IHS Awards New Cooperative Agreements for Ending the HIV and HCV Epidemics in Indian Country. (2022, September 27). Retrieved January 5, 2023, from

[14] Indian Health Service, HIV/AIDS in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Retrieved August 8, 2023, from:,Get%20tested%20for%20HIV.