National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344
The HIV epidemic continues to affect millions of Americans every year. Of those affected, AI/AN people have the highest rate of undiagnosed cases compared to other racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. AI/AN health data is consistently underestimated due to racial misclassification – lack of access to testing accounts for some of this disparity. According to the Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI), only 21% of urban Natives have received Urban Indian Organization (UIO) HIV testing services in their lifetime. This prevalence of undetected cases leads to an increased risk of HIV-related death among AI/AN people. Despite these disparities, it can be difficult to find effective, high-quality, and culturally appropriate AI/AN-specific HIV syndemic resources. In order to alleviate some of this difficulty, we have created this resource toolkit. This guide is meant to be a working document. Just as HIV best practices change with new research and information, so will this guide. Please feel free to contact us with suggested updates and resources. This is meant to be a tool for you!
This document provides a concise overview of best practices for delivering STI services at UIOs based on a survey conducted last year by NCUIH, which assessed the STI service capacities, challenges, barriers, and opportunities for improvement across the 41 UIOs. More information can be found here: https://ncuih.org/STIFinalReport
This publication was supported by grant number 6NU50CK000601-02-01 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Condom Use
HIV Myths and Facts
Traditional Healing
This interactive three-part series will provide a special focus on providing support and resources to the frontline practitioners fighting to eliminate HIC/AIDS in Indian Country. This series will also provide forums for participants to learn about and discuss innovative resources and best practices in the reduction of stigma in the community, providers, and support systems and emphasize increasing outreach and testing services, and hear the stories from the frontlines of our urban Indian communities.
Join NCUIH for an interactive three-session series, Nurturing the Three Sisters: Community, Culture, Connection in Urban Indian HIV Care. Participants will cultivate knowledge on principles of indigenous harm reduction, community resources for gender and sexual minorities, and HIV’s connections with other health and wellness concerns.
*Slides Not Available
The National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) invites Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) to attend this first event in the “Standing Together to Address Urban Indian STI Disparities” series to learn about NCUIH’s new STI project activities and services. At this session, UIOs will learn about STI disparities that disproportionately impact Urban Indian populations, hear about opportunities for partnerships to improve STI services, and share insight into barriers and challenges related to STI care.
Get prepared for an exciting and engaging STI Community of Learning training series that aims to empower AI/AN populations facing disparities in STI rates, prevention, and treatment. This groundbreaking initiative seeks to extend resources and foster dynamic collaborations that will drive tangible results. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey together!
Immerse yourself in a vibrant Community of Learning where UIOs (Urban Indian Organizations) will receive top-notch training, gain access to invaluable resources, and participate in an exchange of information and insights like never before. Together, we will tackle challenges, share innovative solutions, and pave the way for enhanced STI services and capacities.
Discover a new dimension of culturally responsive sexual health communication in urban Indian care settings at the upcoming virtual event hosted by the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH). Join us for insights from expert Mattee Jim of First Nations Community Healthsource, as healthcare providers and public health professionals from Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) gather to learn about impactful recommendations and resources. Let’s strengthen the dialogue around sexual health, fostering understanding and healthier communities.
This website is made possible by the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund through the Indian Health Service.
National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344