NCUIH Visits Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake and Presents Traditional Healing and Foods Report at Association of American Indian Physicians Conference

On September 6, 2024, NCUIH’s Interim Federal Relations Director Alexandra Payan, Research Associate Nahla Holland (Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation), and Manager of Technical Assistance Lyzbeth Best, visited the Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake (UICSL). During this visit they received a tour of UICSL’s central location and learned more about their new clinic location in Murray, UT. The visit wrapped up a trip to Salt Lake City, UT for the Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) where NCUIH presented their report on Traditional Healing and Traditional Foods at Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs). UICSL assisted in this presentation by providing information on how the UIO provides several Traditional Healing services to their American Indian and Alaska Native community.

NCUIH staff

NCUIH staff

