NCUIH Joins Indian Country Coalition in Urging Office of Management and Budget Director to Uphold Tribal Sovereignty and Protect Funding for Native Programs

On February 14, 2025, the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) joined a coalition of Tribal Organizations and national Native organizations in sending a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director, Russell Vought, to congratulate Director Vought on his confirmation and request to meet to discuss implementing President Trump’s priorities in a manner that recognizes the sovereign governmental status of Tribal Nations and the United States’ longstanding trust and treaty obligations. The letter also urges OMB to issue a mandate to all federal agencies to ensure that Tribal Nations and Tribal-serving entities are not further impacted by implementation of the President’s Executive Orders and policies, and exempt all Tribal programs across federal agencies from efforts to pause or reduce federal funding.

About the Tribal Coalition

NCUIH has joined a coalition with over 20 Tribal organizations to ensure administrative actions account for the government-to-government relationship between Tribes and the United States and the trust and treaty responsibility to Tribal nations and citizens.

The coalition has been active in creating joint messages to share with policy makers, sending letters to key administration officials, and developing advocacy strategies. Access the Tribal Coalition’s online resource hub, where you can find our letters and other advocacy tools.
