NCUIH BoD passes a resolution supporting greater access to Dental Care for Urban Indians

On May 11/2016 The NCUIH BoD resolved that the National Council of Urban Indian Health supports the use of dental therapists to expand the available dental services in Urban Indian clinics and to provide essential oral health services to Urban Indians.


It was further resolved that the National Council of Urban Indian Health encourages the Indian Health Service to support the expansion of dental therapy beyond Alaska and into health facilities throughout the United States.   To view the complete document please click here.

CMS released the proposed final rule for the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015

CMS released the proposed final rule for the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). You may find it helpful to be familiar with the contents to understand the impact on FQHC and/or your program.

The rule establishes the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which consolidates components of the Physician-Quality Reporting System, the Physician Value-based Payment Modifier, and the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for eligible professionals. The rule is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on May 9.

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TARC Director presents at National Indian Health Board Public Health Summit

The National Indian Health Board’s (NIHB) 7th Annual National Tribal Public Health Summit is going on this week in Atlanta, GA with the theme of “Achieving Health Equity: Re-envisioning Tribal Public Health for Seven Generations”.  The conference has thus far featured sessions on public health law and policy, culturally appropriate best practices, advocacy, and presentations from federal agency partners. Two of our urban programs (Native American Rehabilitative Association of the North West and Indian Health Board of Minneapolis) were featured during the Special Diabetes Programs for Indians (SDPI) poster session, as well.

As part of the Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention Institute Pre-Summit Institute, Technical Assistance and Research Center (TARC) Director, Dr. Kimberly Fowler, presented on the “American Indian and Alaska Native Hope for Life (Suicide Prevention Awareness) Day Toolkit”, as a tool to support the National American Indian Alaska Native Hope for Life Day in changing the conversation around suicide prevention in Native and tribal communities.

Communication and engagement strategies were shared with attendees, as well as discussions on related needs and ideas for the continuation of the momentum around the Day’s activities.  The powerpoint presentation will be shared on NIHB’s website following the Summit activities.

National Council of Urban Indian Health Attended the National Minority Health Mons 2016 HHS Health Equality Forum

National Council of Urban Indian Health attended the National Minority Health Month 2016 Health Equity Forum on April 7th, 2016. The theme for the event was “Accelerating Health Equity for the Nation”. This event also celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the creation of the HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH), to ensure everyone has the ability to achieve health equity.

A timeline video highlighted all the successes of OMH since 1986, including the creation of the American Indian and Alaska Native Health Research Advisory Council (HRAC)
in 2006. Technical Assistance and Research Director, Kimberly Fowler was in attendance at the forum, which included keynote remarks by Dr. Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, HHS Acting Assistant Secretary for Health. The forum led by the Director of the Office of Minority Health, Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, featured as a presenter President Obama’s newly confirmed Secretary of the Department of Education, John B. King, Jr. MA, JD, EdD.

Doctors On Board Pipeline Program – Physicians Medical Forum

The “Doctors on Board Pipeline Program” is an innovative and exciting opportunity or African America/Black, Native American Indian, Hispanic and minority students who are high school seniors, juniors and sophomores, pre-med, college/university students, community college students, and post-baccalaureates who want to become physicians or pharmacists.

  • Physicians Medical Forum is now accepting applications for 2016 Doctors on Board Program. The application due date is FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 at 5PM. For more information on application process click here
  • Physicians Medical Forum calls for doctors, pharmacists, residents and medical students. If you are a doctor, pharmacist, resident and medical student, Physicians Medical Forum is asking that you sign-up and participate in the activities such as: mocking knot tying & surgery clinic, mocking primary care clinics with real patients, doctors mentoring & students networking workshop. To learn more click here
  • As an integral part of the team preparing and inspiring students towards their goal of becoming future physicians and pharmacists, Physicians Medical Forum would like to invite you to attend the Parent and Family Workshop and the awarding of student certificates and post-reception held at the conclusion of the “Doctors on Board Pipeline Program.” To learn more click here