Tag Archive for: Maternal Mortality

Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System

Authors: Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC)

Publication Year: 2023

Last Updated: March 23, 2023


Keywords: Awareness; Ethnicity; Health Disparities; Mental and Behavioral Health; Minority Groups; Misclassification of AI/AN; Population Information; Women's Health; Maternal Health; Pregnancy; Reproductive Health


Short Abstract: CDC conducts national pregnancy-related mortality surveillance to better understand the risk factors for and causes of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States.


Abstract: CDC conducts national pregnancy-related mortality surveillance to better understand the risk factors for and causes of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States. The Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (PMSS) defines a pregnancy-related death as a death while pregnant or within 1 year of the end of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy. Medical epidemiologists review and analyze death records, linked birth records and fetal death records if applicable, and additional available data from all 50 states, New York City, and Washington, DC. PMSS is used to calculate the pregnancy-related mortality ratio, an estimate of the number of pregnancy-related deaths for every 100,000 live births. The birth data used to calculate pregnancy-related mortality ratios were obtained from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER).


Source: Link to Original Article.



Source: https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternal-mortality/pregnancy-mortality-surveillance-system.htm

Type of Resource: Other

Making Amends: Recommended Strategies and Actions to Improve the Health and Safety of American Indian and Alaska Native Mothers and Infants

Authors: U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM)

Publication Year: 2022

Last Updated: December 2022


Keywords: Awareness; Ethnicity; Federal Health Care; Health Care Access; Health Disparities; IHS; Infant Mortality; Medicare; Medicaid; Minority Groups; Misclassification of AI/AN; Pregnancy; Women's Health; Social Determinants of Health


Short Abstract: Report submitted in to US HHS Secretary with recommendations for the federal government to reconcile past actions and step up to the obligations to American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Recommendations are based on the findings of previous reports on the health of AI/AN people, populations, and communities, ACIMM’s analysis of maternal health and birth outcome-related data, presentations by representatives of federal health programs, and the testimony and input of over 88 individuals with relevant lived and professional experience.


Abstract: Report submitted in to US HHS Secretary with recommendations for the federal government to reconcile past actions and step up to the obligations to American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Recommendations are based on the findings of previous reports on the health of AI/AN people, populations, and communities, ACIMM’s analysis of maternal health and birth outcome-related data, presentations by representatives of federal health programs, and the testimony and input of over 88 individuals with relevant lived and professional experience. 59 strategies are offered to support three overarching recommendations: I. Make the health and safety of AI/AN mothers and infants a priority for action. II. Improve the living conditions of AI/AN mothers and infants and assure universal access to high quality healthcare III. Address urgent and immediate challenges that disproportionately affect AI/AN women before, during, and after pregnancy.


Source: Link to Original Article.



Source: https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/advisory-committees/infant-mortality/birth-outcomes-AI-AN-mothers-infants.pdf

Type of Resource: Report

Maternal Mortality Among American Indian/Alaska Native Women in Arizona

Authors: Arizona Department of Health Services

Publication Year: 2021

Last Updated: December 2021

Keywords: Infant Mortality; Pregnancy; Women's Health; Maternal Health


Short Abstract: This document is an overview of AI/AN maternal mortality and morbidity in Arizona with statistics from 2016-2018 Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC) reviewed deaths in Arizona of women 15-49 years old with a pregnancy in the previous 365 days.


Source: Link to Original Article.

Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XYFEeAQMkCURCWK7cI5xX-tSkrzKSsTX/view

Type of Resource: Fact sheets

Report on Maternal Mortality (2016-2017) and Severe Maternal Morbidity (2016-2019) in Arizona

Authors: Arizona Department of Health Services

Publication Year: 2020

Last Updated: December 2020

Keywords: Infant Mortality; Pregnancy; Women's Health; Maternal Health


Short Abstract: The findings in this report related to maternal mortality were derived from the CDC's Review to Action methods, which the Arizona Department of Health Services adopted in 2018. These methods differ from the methods used to review and report on maternal mortality in Arizona between 2012-2015. For this reason, maternal mortality findings between 2016-2017 should not be compared to findings reported in Arizona’s report on 2012-2015 maternal mortality, and instead, should be considered baseline data for future reporting.


Source: Link to Original Article.

Type of Resource: Other