Opportunity for Urban Indian Representation on Department Of Labor Native American Employment and Training Council

The Department of Labor (DOL) is seeking nominations from representatives of tribal governments and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian organizations that have expertise in the areas of workforce development, secondary and post-secondary education, health care, human services, veteran services, business and economic development, and job sectors growth to join the Native American Employment and Training Council (NAETC). The NAETC provides guidance to the Secretary of Labor on Native American programs under Section 166 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and advises the Secretary on matters that promote the employment and training needs of Native Americans. Urban Indian organizations (UIOs) interested in joining the NAETC are encouraged to submit nominations.

Nominations must be submitted electronically to NAETC@dol.gov (using subject line “Nomination—Native American Employment and Training Council”) by October 18, 2023. The DOL will not accept nominations by mail, express delivery, hand delivery, messenger, courier service, or facsimile.

Requirements for Nomination Submission

The DOL is seeking representatives from each of the six DOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA) regions (Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, and San Francisco, including representatives for Hawaii, Alaska, and Oklahoma and “Other Disciplines”). In nominating representatives for “Other Disciplines,” prospective nominees may represent various areas of expertise, such as technical experts (e.g., registered apprenticeships), education (tribal colleges or universities), health care, human services, elected tribal leaders, business, data analysis, economic development, or other sectors.

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee’s Name, title, organization, address, email, and phone number;
  • Nominator’s name, organization, address, email, and phone number;
  • Nomination category (e.g., ETA Region, Native Hawaiian representative, Alaska Native representative, Oklahoma representative, or representative for Other Disciplines). Those nominating a regional representative must reside in the same region as the nominee. If nominated for Other Disciplines, specify discipline;
  • A biography and current resume of the nominee; and
  • A cover letter that provides the reason(s) for nominating the individual or a self-nomination, and the particular expertise of the nominee in the areas of workforce development, secondary and post-secondary education, health care, human services, veteran services business and economic development and job sectors growth. In addition, the cover letter must state that the nomination is being made in response to the Federal Register notice and that the nominee (if nominating someone other than oneself) has agreed to be nominated.

In submitting nominations, consideration should be given to the availability of the nominee to attend and actively participate in Council meetings (not less than twice each year), willingness to serve on Council subcommittees and workgroups, and provide feedback to the grantee community. Communication between the Council member and his or her constituency is essential to the partnership between the DOL and the Indian and Native American communities.

For further information, contact Nathaniel Coley, Division of Indian and Native American Programs, (202) 693–4287 or email at Coley.Nathaniel.d@dol.gov.


Section 166(i)(4) of WIOA requires the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) to establish and maintain the NAETC. The statute requires the Secretary to formally consult at least twice annually with the NAETC on the operation and administration of the WIOA Section 166 Indian and Native American employment and training programs. In addition, the NAETC advises the Secretary on matters that promote the employment and training needs of Indians and Native Americans, as well as to enhance the quality of life in accordance with the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. The NAETC also provides guidance to the Secretary on how to make DOL discretionary funding and other special initiatives more accessible to Tribes, tribal organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-controlled organizations serving Indians, or Native Hawaiian organizations.
