Senate Releases FY21 Funding Bills with Increase for Urban Indian Health from FY20

The Senate bill includes $9.6 million above the Administration’s request for urban Indian health.

Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee released its FY21 funding bills, which included their proposals for the Indian Health Service and urban Indian health. The Senate Appropriations Committee will not move forward with mark ups, but instead use these bills for spending talks with the House as they work toward a full funding package before the year ends.

The Senate proposal includes $6.2 billion for the Indian Health Service, which is $49 million less than FY20. The Senate included $59.3 million for urban Indian health, which is $1.6 million above the FY20 amount and $9.6 million above the Administration’s budget request. The language in the report states: “The Committee strongly supports this program and does not concur with the proposal to reduce the program.”

“During a tough fiscal climate, NCUIH is encouraged by the Committee’s bipartisan commitment to urban Indian health and their decision to propose an increase to the President’s request. As Native families in urban areas face the COVID-19 pandemic that is impacting our populations at devastating rates, these resources offer a literal lifeline,” said Francys Crevier, CEO of National Council of Urban Indian Health.

 Line Item  FY20 Enacted  FY21 Tribal
 FY21 House
 FY21 Senate
 Urban Indian
 $57,684,000  $106,000,000  $49,636,000  $66,127,000  $59,314,000

Next Steps

Senate and House appropriators must negotiate funding levels and policy provisions across the dozen bills. Congressional leaders are aiming to pass a full-year spending package before the end of the year. Lawmakers have until Dec. 11 to enact more funding before the government shuts down.


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