PRESS RELEASE: NCUIH Testifies Before House Interior Appropriations American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Day


Contact: Meredith Raimondi

President Rosette Requested Congress Meet the Urban Indian Health Line Item of $106 Million as Recommended by the Tribal Budget Formulation Work Group

WASHINGTON, DC (February 11, 2020) — National Council of Urban Indian Health President Maureen Rosette (Chippewa Cree Nation) testified before the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee as part of American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Days (February 11 and 12, 2020). President Rosette was invited as an Honorable expert witness participating on the health care panel of the 1st day of tribal and urban leader hearings.

Each year, NCUIH provides in depth testimony addressing the needs of urban Indian health care. This is the second year in a row that President Rosette has spoken to the House Appropriations Subcommittee, thanking them for their continued work.

“NCUIH is appreciative for the Subcommittee’s strong leadership and continued bipartisan support for urban Indian health. For FY 2021, NCUIH requests that the Subcommittee meet the Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup recommendation of $106 million for the Indian Health Services (IHS) urban Indian health line item,” testified President Rosette.

While delivering testimony, President Rosette advocated for an increase in funding for FY 2021 to a minimum of $81 to $106 million for the Indian Health Services (IHS) urban Indian healthcare line item. The FY 2021 request from the President included $49.6 million, $8 million below current enacted levels. In FY 2020, the House included $81 million in FY 2020 for urban Indian health and the final bill included $57 million, a $6 million increase.

In her opening remarks today, Chair McCollum stated, “The United States government entered into treaties guaranteeing health care to Native Americans…centuries later the government, our government, the United States government, is still not meeting its responsibilities.”

NCUIH is grateful to be included in the Public Witness Days. NCUIH has been encouraged by the strong leadership of Chair McCollum and Ranking Member Joyce for urban Indian health in FY 2020 and looks forward to continuing these efforts for FY 2021.


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