First Ever Visit by VA Secretary to an Urban Indian Organization

On April 9, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough, Senator Jerry Moran, and Representative Ron Estes visited Hunter Health Clinic in Kansas as a part of a renewed partnership between the VA and Urban Indian Health Programs.

Recent legislative developments enabled urban Indian organizations to fully participate in the VA-Indian Health Service memorandum of understanding and reimbursement agreement for direct health care services; eliminated copayments for Native Veterans receiving health care services at VA; and established an Advisory Committee to advise the VA Secretary on matters relating to Native Veterans.

“Secretary McDonough’s visit to Hunter Health is the first time a VA Secretary has ever visited an urban Indian organization. A historic occasion in itself, Secretary McDonough’s visit also comes at a pivotal moment for Native Veteran health care,” said Sunny Stevenson, Director of Federal Relations for the National Council of Urban Indian Health.