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Kick-off: EHR and HIT Support for UIOs

May 11, 2022 | 1-2 p.m. EST   Objective: The National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) will be kicking off a new opportunity for Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) to […]

Strengthening the Ribbon: A Primary Care Approach to Eliminating HIV/AIDS in Indian Country

Red Ribbon Campaign: Uniting AI/AN Communities to Eliminate HIV/AIDS This interactive three-part series will provide a special focus on providing support and resources to the frontline practitioners fighting to eliminate HIV/AIDS in Indian Country. This series will will also provide forums for participants to learn about and discuss innovative resources and best practices in the […]

Explore HealthCare Environment Reservoirs and How to Manage the Spread of Germs

National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) as a partner within the CDC’s National Training Collaborative Project Firstline launches an open Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes). Using the Project ECHO model of “all teach, all learn", developed by Sanjeev Arora, M.D., at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, NCUIH takes a […]

NCUIH’s Project ECHO Training: Explore the Respiratory System as it Relates to Infection Risk Recognition and Reservoirs in Health Care

As a partner within the CDC’s National Training Collaborative Project Firstline, the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) has launched an open Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes). Using the Project ECHO model of “all teach, all learn", developed by Sanjeev Arora, M.D., at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, NCUIH […]

Broadening the Ribbon: Innovative Resources and Effective Strategies to Eliminate HIV/AIDS in Indian Country

Red Ribbon Campaign: Uniting AI/AN Communities to Eliminate HIV/AIDS This interactive three-part series will provide a special focus on providing support and resources to the frontline practitioners fighting to eliminate HIV/AIDS in Indian Country. This series will will also provide forums for participants to learn about and discuss innovative resources and best practices in the […]

Episode 2 – Art & Advocacy: Making Your Own Waves

 July 20, 2022 | 6:30 p.m. EST - 7:45 p.m. EST RejuveNation: Building Resilience in Urban Native Youth Summer Series NCUIH’s Rivers of Rejuvenation (ROR) Youth Council (YC) is taking action […]

For past Communities of Learning, trainings, webinars, and resources, please visit our Trainings and Webinars page.