National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344

The Strengthening Wellness in Indigenous Communities Using the Medicine Wheel Behavioral Health Community of Learning Series aims to equip Urban Indian Organizations to explore the practical applications of the Medicine Wheel’s directional approaches, such as positive renewal, relationship building, respect, caring, and healing. “Culturally Responsive Care for Sexual Assault Survivors” is the final presentation in the series. For the first two presentations, click here for “Utilizing Culture in Grant Writing and Programming” and here for “Integrated Healthcare Through an Indigenous Approach.”
In this presentation, participants will discuss the challenges survivors of assault face and how culturally sensitive care can reduce stigma and address barriers. Presenters from the Indian Health Service Division of Nursing Services will provide an understanding of the high rates of violence and sexual violence against American Indian/ Alaska Native (AI/AN) women and share how to implement efficient ways to build, monitor, and evaluate forensic health care programs working with missing and murdered Indigenous women/ people (MMIW/P) cases.
Speakers from Indian Health Service Headquarters Division of Nursing Services
For past Communities of Learning, trainings, webinars, and resources, please visit our Trainings and Webinars page.