National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344

Join NCUIH for the first session in the Clinic to Community series. Delve into HIV and STI care initiatives tailored specifically for urban Indian communities, emphasizing cultural competency. Kerry Hawk Lessard, CEO of Native American LifeLines, has revolutionized care practices, introducing unique strategies to address prevalent health disparities while respecting cultural nuances. Participants will learn about culturally sensitive prevention methods, equitable health care access, and community empowerment. Register for this engaging discussion to discover actionable approaches to drive positive change in urban Indigenous health outcomes rooted in understanding and embracing cultural diversity. Continuing nursing education (CNE) credits are available.*
Kerry Hawk Lessard, MAA (Shawnee), CEO of Native American LifeLines
*Continuing Education:
Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)
Cardea Services is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Upon successful completion of this activity, 1.0 contact hours will be awarded. Successful completion of this continuing education activity includes the following:
For past Communities of Learning, trainings, webinars, and resources, please visit our Trainings and Webinars page.