Social Determinants of Mortality of COVID-19 and Opioid Overdose in American Rural and Urban Counties

Authors: Yuhui Zhu, PhD, Zhe Fei, PhD, Larissa J. Mooney, MD, Kaitlyn Huang, BS, and Yih-Ing Hser, PhD

Publication Year: 2022

Last Updated: January 2022

Journal: Journal of Addiction Medicine

Keywords: Covid-19; Health Disparities; Infection Disease; Social Determinants of Health; Substance Abuse


Short Abstract: After adjusting for other covariates, the overall mortality rate of COVID-19 is higher in counties with larger population size and a higher proportion of racial/ethnic minorities, although counties with high rates of opioid overdose mortality have lower proportions of racial/ethnic minorities, a higher proportion of females, and are more economically disadvantaged. Significant predictors of rural counties with high mortality rates for both COVID-19 and opioid overdose include higher ratios of Black people, American Indians and Alaska Native people, and people with two or more races. Additional predictors for high-risk urban counties include population density and higher unemployment rates during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Source: Link to Original Article.


Type of Resource: Peer-reviewed scientific article