National Council of Urban Indian Health Uniqueness Handout (Providing Culturally Competent Services) 10-08-09

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-08-27 14:38:18
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: uihp, uniqueness, urban indian health program, cultural competency

Short Abstract:

The stamp of historical trauma on the Native American collective memory is reflected in the mistrust with which many American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) relate to their health care practitioner. Feeling misunderstood and/or unable to describe their health needs, these individuals often refrain from or only reluctantly seek medical services outside their culture, even if desperately needed. The Urban Indian Health Programs enjoy the confidence of their clients at the cultural level and play a vital role in educating health care providers in the community about the unique needs and cultural conditioning of the urban Indian population.


The stamp of historical trauma on the Native American collective memory is reflected in the mistrust with which many American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) relate to their health care practitioner. Feeling misunderstood and/or unable to describe their health needs, these individuals often refrain from or only reluctantly seek medical services outside their culture, even if desperately needed. The Urban Indian Health Programs enjoy the confidence of their clients at the cultural level and play a vital role in educating health care providers in the community about the unique needs and cultural conditioning of the urban Indian population.

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