American Indians and Alaska Natives; defining where they reside

Authors: D'Angelo AJ
Publication Year: 1996
Last Updated: 2016-01-07 15:27:11
Journal: Indian Health Service, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Legislation
Keywords: Censuses; Community Health Planning; Data Collection; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Population Density; Rural Population; Urban Population, Census, population, migration, nomadic, residency, mobility

Short Abstract:

There is often confusion regarding urban/rural population statistics because of the difficulties in defining these geographic terms.  This article attempts to clarify the concepts of uran and rural, metropolitan areas, and other geographic terms as they relate to IHS and the American Indian and Alaska native population.


There is often confusion regarding urban/rural population statistics because of the difficulties in defining these geographic terms. This article attempts to clarify the concepts of urban and rural, metropolitan areas, and other geographic terms as they relate to the IHS and the American Indian and Alaska native population. Bureau of Census definitions for these terms are included. It is important to choose the appropriate geographic entity for the issue being addressed in order to define the Indian Health Service areas

Code: 3069