National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344
NCUIH’s HIV/AIDS Resource Guide for UIOs contains over 300 clickable links to effective, high-quality, and culturally appropriate American Indian and Alaska Native HIV/AIDS resources. Scroll below the guide to find past event materials and videos on condom use, HIV myths and facts, and traditional healing.
In partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCUIH developed an array of training materials around infection control tailored toward UIOs, such as the Hand Washing PSA for Health Care Frontline Workers.
Check out our website to learn more about Project Firstline, our Infection Protection & Control (IPC) UIO Champions, the NCUIH podcast Native Healthcast, past webinars, and other IPC initiatives.
This informative and engaging series featured sessions on utilizing culture in grant writing and programming, an Indigenous approach to integrated health care, and culturally responsive care for sexual assault survivors. Watch recordings, download the slides, and find key takeaways from each session on the NCUIH website.
This series focused on building a culture-inclusive workforce to equip health care professionals with the knowledge to bridge practice gaps, ensuring culturally sensitive care delivery to diverse patient populations. Speakers shared best practices for utilizing internship programs and recruiting and retaining elders to build sustainable growth. Continuing education credits are available for nursing and social work professionals who watch recorded presentations and complete evaluations.