Urban Indian Health Strategic Planning March 1995

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 1995
Last Updated: 2012-05-10 08:43:42
Journal: Accident, Analysis, and Prevention

Short Abstract: Urban Indian Health Strategic Planning  March 1995

P.L. 101-630: Amendments substantially expanded the type of services provided through urban health programs to include immunization services, mental health counseling, child abuse prevention  and treatment, facilities improvement and established within the IHS a branch of urban Indian health programs.

P.L. 102-573: Amendments established grants for urban programs, clarified the role of the Oklahoma City and Tulsa urban demonstration projects............

Abstract: Urban Indian Health Strategic Planning March 1995

P.L. 101 - 630: Amendments substantially expanded the type of services provided through urban health programs to include immunization services, mental health counseling, child abuse prevention and treatment, facilities improvement and established within the IHS a branch of urban Indian Health Programs.

P.L. 102-573: Amendments established grants for urban programs, clarified the role of the Oklahoma City and Tulsa  urban demonstration projects..........

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