Racial Misclassification of American Indians: Its Effect on Injury Rates in Oregon, 1989 through 1990

Authors: Jonathan R Sugarman, MD
Publication Year: 1993
Last Updated: 2018-12-10 13:11:51
Journal: American Journal of Public Health
Keywords: Indian, Native American, Urban Indian, Injury, Racial Classifications, Morbidity Registries, Vital Records

Short Abstract:

American Indians experience morbidity and mortality from injury at a rate exceeding that for any other race in the United States' and specifically in the state of Oregon. It is possible that even the reported rates are underestimates of the true burden of injuries among American
Indians because of racial misclassification in vital records and morbidity registries.


American Indians experience morbidity and mortality from injury at a rate exceeding that for any other race in the United States' and specifically in the state of Oregon. It is possible that even the reported rates are underestimates of the true burden of injuries among American
Indians because of racial misclassification in vital records and morbidity registries.

We examined data reported to the Oregon registry in 1989 and 1990. The1989 surveillance included all deaths and 50% of the state's 67 acute care hospitals,which account for 63% of the state's acutecare bed.

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