National Steering Committee title VIII Miscellaneous Draft

Authors: National Steering Committee
Publication Year: 1999
Last Updated: 2012-05-16 09:53:54
Journal: Accident, Analysis, and Prevention
Keywords: IHS, National Steering Committee, IHCIA, Indian Health Care Improvement Act,Title VIII

Short Abstract: National Steering Committee for the Reauthorization of the Indian health Care Improvement Act, P.L. 94-437

Title VIII Miscellaneous
Draft 2 September 21, 1999

Content, reports, regulations, committee, Adaption of Procedures, plan of implementation, availability of funds, Limitations of funds IHS, Eligibility of California Indians........

Abstract: National Steering Committee for the Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, P.L. 94-437

Title VIII Miscellaneous
Draft 2 September 21, 1999

content, reports, regulations committee, adaption of procedures, plan of implementation, availability of funds, limitations of funds IHS, eligibility of  California Indians...............

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