National Native American AIDS Prevention Center Needs Assessment: Focus Series on Young Native Adults and Sexual Health

Authors: Satter, Delight E., Zubiate, Andrea, Melissa Gatchell
Publication Year: 2003
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Keywords: American Indian/Alaska Native youth; sexuality, youth health, sexual health; HIV/AIDS; capacity building; culturally relevant; needs assessment; female and male; prevention curricula

Short Abstract: Purpose: In preliminary surveys, HIV Prevention programs throughout the country have indicated to the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) that they have little to no information about the specific needs of Native youth to help guide the development of well-rounded prevention programs.  In order to provide these programs with technical assistance and capacity building services that are both culturally relevant and age appropriate, NNAAPC has subcontracted to The American Indian and Alaska Native Research Program, UCLA Center for Health Policy Reseach, to conduct a needs assessment with Native Young Adults on sexual health.  Focus groups on the topic youth sexuality and sexual health were conducted for the needs assessment.

Abstract: Purpose:  In preliminary surveys, HIV Prevention programs throughout the country have indicated to the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) that they have little to no information about the specific needs of Native youth to help guide the development of well-rounded prevention programs.  In order to provide these programs with technical assistance and capacity building services that are both culturally relevant and age appropriate, NNAAPC has subcontracted to The American Indian and Alaska Native Research Program, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, to conduct a needs assessment with Native Young Adults on sexual health.  Focus groups on the topic youth sexuality and sexual health were conducted for the needs assessment.  The focus group participants were selected based on the following eligibility requirements: American Indian and Alaska Native female and male young adults aged 18-24.  There were 37 participants with heritage in over 20 different tribes.  The ultimate goal of the needs assessment was to look for trends and patterns that are similiar for all locations to serve as the starting point for the development of prevention curricula.   

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Source: Link to Original Article.
Funding: National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Code: 2008