National Council of Urban Indian Health Memorandum Concerning the Restoration of Urban Indian Health Programs Outline Letter for Senator/Representative support and Improve Urban Indian Health Programs

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-08-26 10:30:58
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: UIHP, urban indian health program, ncuih, national council of urban indian health, fy2008, budget request

Short Abstract:

I would like to thank you for your support in our quest to restore the funding for the Urban Indian Health Organizations.  We are glad to inform you that your constituency is very supportive of our combined cause and efforts- as clearly expressed in the enclosed letters.  In fact, the documents contained in this package are the reaction to the Administration’s budget for FY08. In it, the Administration called for the Elimination of the Urban Indian Health Programs.  The loss of this core funding would be a detrimental loss and new burdens would be passed onto the Indian Health Service and Tribally operated programs that are already under funded.


I would like to thank you for your support in our quest to restore the funding for the Urban Indian Health Organizations.  We are glad to inform you that your constituency is very supportive of our combined cause and efforts- as clearly expressed in the enclosed letters.  In fact, the documents contained in this package are the reaction to the Administration’s budget for FY08. In it, the Administration called for the Elimination of the Urban Indian Health Programs.  The loss of this core funding would be a detrimental loss and new burdens would be passed onto the Indian Health Service and Tribally operated programs that are already under funded.

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