Motor-vehicle crash-injury risk factors among American Indians

Authors: Grossman DC, Sugarman JR., Fox C. , Moran J
Publication Year: 1997
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: Accident, Analysis, and Prevention
Keywords: Accidents; Traffic; Alcohol Drinking/Adverse Effects; Comparative Study; Risk Factors

Short Abstract: The rates of motor-vehicle crash mortality are highest among American Indians and Alaska Natives, compared to other ethnic groups. The aim of this study was to compare risk factors for motor-vehicle crashes and occupant injuries between rural and urban American Indian (AI) drivers, and between rural AI and non-AI rural drivers.

Abstract: The rates of motor-vehicle crash mortality are highest among American Indians and Alaska Natives, compared to other ethnic groups. The aim of this study was to compare risk factors for motor-vehicle crashes and occupant injuries between rural and urban American Indian (AI) drivers, and between rural AI and non-AI rural drivers. A statewide traffic-accident database was linked to the Indian Health Service patient-registration database to identify crashes that involved American-Indian drivers. Using a cross-sectional design, crashes occurring in a two-county region during 1989 and 1990 were studied. A total of 9329 motor-vehicle crashes involving 16,234 drivers and 6431 passengers were studied. Two percent of drivers were American Indian. Compared to American-Indian drivers in urban crashes, rural crashes involving American-Indian drivers were more likely to result in injury or death (38% vs 64% p<0.001). The difference in risk for crashes between urban and rural non-AI drivers was not as high (42% vs 33%). Only 44% of rural American-Indian motor-vehicle occupants reported wearing seat belts, compared to 70 percent of urban American-Indian occupants (p<0.05). Rates of driver alcohol impairment, as assessed by the police, were much higher among AI drivers and highest among rural AI drivers. We conclude that, compared to non-American-Indian drivers, AI drivers are less likely to be restrained and more likely to be alcohol-impaired at the time of the crash. These risks are higher among rural AI drivers than urban AI drivers.

Source: Link to Original Article.
Code: 3064