Letter to Secretary Clinton about the UN forum on Indigenous People

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-08-19 11:50:34
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: NCUIH, National Council of Urban Indian Health, Secretary Clinton, UN, United Nations, Indigenous, American Indian, Alaska Native

Short Abstract: On the behalf of the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH), our 36 member programs and the 150,000 patients that our programs serve annually. NCUIH works to raise the health status of all American Indians and Alaska Natives living in urban centers. As the primary organization dedicated to urban Indian issues, we have been participating in the UN forum on Indigenous People and been working with other indigenous groups from other countries to find innovative solutions to our peoples needs. We feel that with the new Administration there is a great opportunity for the United States to become a world leader on protecting the freedoms, health, and wellbeing of indigenous peoples everywhere.

Abstract: On the behalf of the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH), our 36 member programs and the 150,000 patients that our programs serve annually. NCUIH works to raise the health status of all American Indians and Alaska Natives living in urban centers. As the primary organization dedicated to urban Indian issues, we have been participating in the UN forum on Indigenous People and been working with other indigenous groups from other countries to find innovative solutions to our peoples needs. We feel that with the new Administration there is a great opportunity for the United States to become a world leader on protecting the freedoms, health, and wellbeing of indigenous peoples everywhere.

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