Letter from the Village of Kotlik, Alaska to Senator Ted Stevens re: his support to eliminate UIHP funding

Authors: Joseph P. Mike, Tribal President
Publication Year: 2006
Last Updated: 2016-01-22 13:53:54
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: elimination of funding, ted stevens, alaska, Kotlik, definition of indian, funding, appropriations, budget, S.1200, IHCIA, S. 1200, indian health care improvement act,

Short Abstract:

Correspondence, Tribal President, Joseph P. Mike (Village of Kotlik) - Senator Stevens, Washington DC

Dear senator Stevens;

We would like to express our concern over the opposition to fund and preserve the Urban Indian Health Programs across the country. I understand that a series of rumors based on pieces of misinformation have been circulating  in  congress. Such rumors are devastating to the existence of Urban Indian Health Programs


Dear Senator Stevens;

We would like to express our concern over the opposition to fund the Urban Indian Health Programs across the Country. I understand that a series of rumors based on the pieces of misinformation have been circulating in congress. Such rumors are devestating to the existance of urban Indian health Prorgrams.

Our understanding is that current opposition is centered upon the mistaken notion that the designation of Urban Indians is unconstitutional and that the existence of Urban Indian Health Programs (UIHPs) is a treat to Tribal funding. Unfortunately, these rumors are not only far from the truth, but they are also increasingly detrimental to Indian Country's unity and strength. Congress has repeatedly found that- as a result of Federal relocation and failed assimilation policies the Federal trust responsibility to American Indians/ Alaska Natives (AI/ AN follows them no matter where they may go.

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