Legilsation for Urban Indian Health Providers- Paper. The Urban Indian Perspective Series

Authors: Delaney, Danielle, J.D.
Publication Year: 2010
Last Updated: 2010-03-30 14:14:01
Journal: NCUIH

Short Abstract: In accordance with its principles, NCUIH strongly believes continuous, meaningful dialogue with the urban Indian community and urban Indian health providers is critical to ensuring that legislative  activities undertaken by the legislative department is done in accordance with the interests and needs of the urban Indian community.

Abstract: In accordance with its principles, NCUIH strongly believes continuous, meaningful dialogue with the urban Indian community and urban Indian health providers is critical to ensuring that legislative  activities undertaken by the legislative department is done in accordance with the interests and needs of the urban Indian community. As the only national organizations representing the urban Indians, NCUIH has a unique responsibility to urban Indian health providers and urban Indian communities. Policymaker education undertaken by other Indian organizations, while critically necessary, do not necessarily taken into consideration the needs with American Indians and Alaska Natives living away from their traditional homes.

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