Journeys of the Circle: a culturally congruent life skills intervention for adolescent Indian drinking.

Authors: Marlatt GA, Larimer ME, Mail PD, Hawkins EH, Cummins LH, Blume AW, Lonczak HS, Burns KM, Chan KK, Cronce JM, La Marr CJ, Radin SM, Forquera, Ralph, Gonzales R, Tetrick C, Gallion S
Publication Year: 2003
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Keywords: Cultural Congruence, Drug and Alcohol, American Indian/Alaska Native, Adolescent, Life Skills, Intervention.

Short Abstract:

There has been an increasing call for and development of culturally appropriate substance prevention/intervention for ethnic minorities in schools and communitites, especially among reservation and in urban American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) communities.  Past attempts to intervene in and reduce misuse of alcohol and other drugs have not had great success.  The Journey of the Circle Project utilized innovative programs with a strong emphasis on historic cultural traditions.  

Abstract: There has been an increasing call for and development of culturally appropriate substance prevention/intervention for ethnic minorities in schools and communities, especially among reservation and in urban American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) communities. Past attempts to intervene in and reduce misuse of alcohol and other drugs have not had great success. The Journeys of the Circle Project utilized innovative programs with a strong emphasis on historic cultural traditions.

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Source: Link to Original Article.
Funding: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1 RO 1 AA12321-02), Intervention for Adolescent Indian Drinking.
Code: 69
Source: Na