Identifying Protective Factors to Promote Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: A Literature Review

Authors: Michele Henson, Samantha Sabo, Nicolette Teufel-Shone
Publication Year: 2016
Last Updated: 2019-10-16 10:07:48
Journal: The Journal of Primary Prevention

Short Abstract:

This publication conducted a review of the literature to identify the protective factors associated with positive health outcomes among AIAN adolescents. A total of 3421 articles were encountered. Nine categories of protective factors positively associated with health and social outcomes, including current and/or future aspirations, personal wellness, positive self-image, self-efficacy, non-familial connectedness, family connectedness, positive opportunities, positive social norms, and cultural connectedness. Such factors positively influenced adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and substance use; delinquent and violent behavior; emotional health including depression, suicide attempt; resilience; and academic success. Protective factors spanned multiple domains of the socio-ecological model. 


Strengths-based health promotion efforts that leverage local, innate protective factors and work with AIANs to create environments rich in protective factors are key to improving the health and wellbeing of AIAN adolescents.

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Source: Link to Original Article.
Funding: National Institute on Minority Health And Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health
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