Publication Year: 2016
Last Updated: 2016-12-23 10:55:36
Journal: First Nation Development Institute
Keywords: Urban Indigenous Organizations (UIO), First Nation Development Institute, facing the future, Urban Indigenous America

Short Abstract:

In July 2016, 30 leaders and workers of Urban Indigenous Organizations (UIO) from across the United States gathered together in Denver, Colorado. This meeting was an innovative collaborative event where attendees discussed the priorities and barriers of advancing the work in their respective arenas. The gathering was hosted and made possible by First Nations Development Institute, with further support from the National Urban Indian Family Coalition, the Kresge Foundation and the Comcast Foundation. After two days the attendees had identified shared themes and trends and where the most powerful leverage points for positive change may be.


In July 2016, 30 leaders and workers of Urban Indigenous Organizations (UIO) from across the United States gathered together in Denver, Colorado. This meeting was an innovative collaborative event where attendees discussed the priorities and barriers of advancing the work in their respective arenas. The gathering was hosted and made possible by First Nations Development Institute, with further support from the National Urban Indian Family Coalition, the Kresge Foundation and the Comcast Foundation. After two days the attendees had identified shared themes and trends and where the most powerful leverage points for positive change may be.

The cohort represented organizations making substantial contributions to the lives of Native people across the country, including housing advocacy and education, direct health services and equity work, children and family welfare, economic innovation and education, development and philanthropy, and support and advocacy for people dealing with homelessness. The breadth and depth of insight from these leaders produced the context and outline of national work they believe will bring meaningful and transformative change for urban Indigenous populations. As an added outcome, the cohort developed a shared sense of camaraderie through which an active network for future collaboration and support was created.

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