Department of Health and Human Services American Indian Alaska Native Health Research Advisory Council Conference Agenda (May 18,19 2006)

Authors: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Publication Year: 2006
Last Updated: 2016-01-28 14:43:59
Journal: Department of Health and Human Services
Keywords: DHHS, Department of Health and Human Services, tribal input, Native Health Research Advisory Council, consultation, American Indian, Alaska Native

Short Abstract:

Many Organizational components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) support research on the health needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) but to date there has been few formal avenues through which the Department gathers tribal input on the research needs and priorities of the tribes. While the Department and its divisions and staff divisions (OPDIVS/STAFFDIVS) have tribal consultation policies in place, regularly scheduled consultation meetings tend to focus on more immediate service delivery and financing issues. AI/AN)research priorities do not receive regular or in-depth considerations at most consultations. Moreover, none of the departmental components have AI/AN groups to provide advice specifically on health research matters. In addition, no active organization within the Department is charged with coordinating and optimizing AI/AN research.


Many Organizational components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) support research on the health needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) but to date there has been few formal avenues through which the Department gathers tribal input on the research needs and priorities of the tribes. While the Department and its divisions and staff divisions (OPDIVS/STAFFDIVS) have tribal consultation policies in place, regularly scheduled consultation meetings tend to focus on more immediate service delivery and financing issues. AI/AN)research priorities do not receive regular or in-depth considerations at most consultations. Moreover, none of the departmental components have AI/AN groups to provide advice specifically on health research matters. In addition, no active organization within the Department is charged with coordinating and optimizing AI/AN research.

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