Arthritis care and beliefs in an urban American Indian population

Authors: Kramer BJ
Publication Year: 2002
Last Updated: 2016-01-08 14:57:26
Journal: IHS Primary Care Provider
Keywords: California; Chronic Disease; Patient Education; Physician-Patient Relations; Quality of Health Care; Rheumatic Diseases/therapy; Self Care; Self Efficacy

Short Abstract:

American Indians are more likely than other Americans to suffer from arthritis joint pain, a leading cause of disability in the United States. This article discusses cultural interpretations of pain and theirimpact on treatment decisions.


American Indians are more likely than other Americans to suffer from arthritis joint pain, a leading cause of disability in the United States. This article discusses cultural interpretations of pain and their impact on treatment decisions. Using a survey of urban American Indians, the author presents pain responses from a group of patients suffering from inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis joint diseases. Having concluded that the severity and impact of chronic arthritis was under-recognized and under-treated in this population, the author concludes by suggesting that a community-based education intervention based on the Arthritis Self-Management Program, will be used to improve health behaviors, health status and healthcare utilization.

Source: Link to Original Article.
Code: 3027