National Council of Urban Indian Health
1 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 800-D
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.544.0344

The Personal Balance Tool is a youth-developed and published self-assessment tool that is used to develop youth-driven holistic wellness goals. The tool includes 20 items rated on a 5 point Likert scale that are mapped onto mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness constructs. In the original paper version, each item of the tool links to a section of a medicine wheel that allows youth to color with four (4) different colored crayons. This supports youth in learning about holistic balance and gives them the ability to visually see the amount of color in each area of wellness so they may consider holistic wellness goals for themselves. In this session the Personal Balance Tool authors will provide a demonstration of how the tool is implemented electronically in a Virtual platform. The session will include how the Personal Balance tool is being used by Urban Indian Health Organizations.
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