The National Congress of American Indian resolution #SAC-06-071 Opposing the President Bush’s Request to Eliminate the Urban Indian Health Programs

Authors: National Congress of American Indians
Publication Year: 2007
Last Updated: 2010-10-01 10:55:37
Journal: National Congress of American Indians
Keywords: NCAI, Appropriations, Budget, Elimination, UIHP, Urban Indian Health Programs, National Congress of American Indians

Short Abstract:

N A T I O N A L   C O N G R E S S   O F   A M E R I C A N   I N D I A N S

The National Congress of American Indians

Resolution #SAC-06-071

TITLE: Opposing the President's Request to Eliminate the Urban Indian Health Programs


N A T I O N A L  C O N G R E S S  O F  A M E R I C A N   I N D I A N S

The National Congress of American Indians

Resolution #SAC-06-071

TITLE: Opposing the President's Request to Eliminate the Urban Indian Health Programs

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