Survey Open Today! 

youth council 2021 survey event page

The National Council of Urban Indian Health’s (NCUIH) Youth Advisory Council (Youth Council) was created with the mission to raise awareness on suicide and substance misuse prevention for urban AI/AN Youth (ages 10 to 24) and promote their healthy transition to adulthood.

NCUIH’s Youth Council is happy to announce the launch of its annual Campaign survey. The purpose of this survey is to get opinions from American Indian /Alaska Native youth (ages 10 to 24 and includes AI/AN youth-supporting staff across Indian Country) on the 2020-21 Youth Council’s National Health Campaign under the hashtag #IndigiMedicine. Native Youth who participate in the InigiMedicine campaign are known as Health Indigenizers.

Health Indigenizer

A Health Indigenizer is a person who is proud of their indigenous identity, empowers future generations, builds healthy relationships, and creates safe and healthy spaces to amplify Native youth voices. A Health Indigenizer also inspires other native Youth to make healthy choices, see their Indigenous culture as medicine to heal, promote wellness, and invest in positive change for their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. We want to understand how to improve this campaign.

Your Time

This 12-minute (approx.) survey is entirely anonymous and will be used to improve our future social media campaign. We kindly ask that you answer all of the questions below. Written comments and suggestions are welcomed and helpful. The information collected will only be accessible by NCUIH staff and NCUIH Youth Council Members. The data collected from this survey will be used to guide NCUIH’s Youth Council’s campaign.

Your Safety 

Your Individual response will be stored in a password-protected account and NCUIH server that is only available to NCUIH staff. Responses will be combined and presented through PPT slides to NCUIH’s Youth Council members and NCUIH Urban Indian Organization leader slides by NCUIH staff.

Youth respondents who complete the survey before June 1 are eligible to win a prize for their participation, including swag from WeRNative, Democracy is Indigenous, and NCUIH.

Deadline to Submit: June 4, 2021

Thanks for taking this survey to help support the needs of Native Youth. Please forward this email to your contacts as you deem fit.


native youth survey

The purpose of this survey is to get feedback from American Indian/Alaska Native youth (ages up to 24 and includes AI/AN youth-supporting staff across Indian Country) on the 2019-20 Youth Council’s National Campaigns (“Native Youth Convening Healing Session” and “Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention”) under the hashtag #NativeGenHealing. We want to understand how to improve these campaigns. This survey is completely anonymous. It is expected that this survey will take approximately 8 minutes. Written comments and suggestions are welcomed and helpful.
  • Survey Ends: February 18, 2020


The National Council of Urban Indian Health’s 2019-20 Youth Advisory Council represents and supports Native Youth across Indian Country. We are currently developing a National Social Media and Native Youth Convening Campaign and are requesting feedback from AI/AN youth and, young adults, up to age 24. We plan on releasing the campaign in the coming weeks based on the feedback from this survey. The survey is open until Tuesday, February 18th. 

The survey will help the Youth Council receive feedback on their Social Media and Native Youth Convening Campaign’s:

• Core message and hashtag
• Messaging goals and objectives, and
• Marketing strategies/tactics

We hope you’ll take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey here: by February 18th.

The survey should be completed by Indigenous youth up to the age of 24 and includes AI/AN youth-supporting staff across Indian Country. Feel free to share the survey flyer and link with your friends, family, and community through your social media platforms, peer chat groups, etc.

**Survey Link: CLOSED.**

Deadline to submit is February 18th, 2020

We look forward to your response!

For more information, contact Sebouh Kouyoumjian,, 202-544-0344

-NCUIH National Advisory Youth Council
The National Council of Urban Indian Health