Urban Indians and the Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, The position of the National Council of Urban Indian Health

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2001
Last Updated: 2011-01-18 12:19:59
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: S.212, IHCIA, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, amendments, United States Senate, S.2526, House Resources Draft Committee

Short Abstract:

We would like to express our appreciation for this opportunity to address the National Indian Health Care Improvement Act meeting participants on the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and its impact on the Urban Indian communities that have formed in many of Americas cities.

While NCUIH generally supports S. 212, there are still important, changes that, need to be made to that legislation that, relate to the urban Indian community. NCUIH is less supportive of the House Resources committee draft that we have reviewed. This draft contains troublesome provisions that were also found in S. 2526 from the 106th congress, but were removed in S. 212 in the 107th Congress.


We would like to express our appreciation for this opportunity to address the National Indian Health Care Improvement Act meeting participants on the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and its impact on the Urban Indian communities that have formed in many of Americas cities.

While NCUIH generally supports S. 212, there are still important, changes that, need to be made to that legislation that, relate to the urban Indian community. NCUIH is less supportive of the House Resources committee draft that we have reviewed. This draft contains troublesome provisions that were also found in S. 2526 from the 106th congress, but were removed in S. 212 in the 107th Congress.

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