Urban Indian Health Programs Best Practices Collection Tool for Healthy Indian Country Initiative (HICI) for the Urban Indian Health Approach 2008

Authors: Bermudez-Del-Villar, A
Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2011-09-27 10:25:34
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: HICI, Healthy Indian Country Initiative, best practices, collection

Short Abstract:

The purpose of this tool is to collect information about best practices that address health issues among American Indian and Alaska Natives living in urban communities. Information of these practices will be used to inform planning and implementation of future health programs designed to improve that quality of health among this population. 


The purpose of this tool is to collect information about best practices that address health issues among American Indian and Alaska Natives living in urban communities. Information of these practices will be used to inform planning and implementation of future health programs designed to improve that quality of health among this population. 

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