Urban Indian America (The Status of the American Indian and Alaskan Native Children and Families Today) (NUIFC)

Authors: National Urban Indian Family Coalition
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-10-04 16:02:35
Journal: National Urban Indian Family Coalition
Keywords: National Urban Indian Family Coalition, NUIFC, Medically Underserved, Urban Indians, American Indians, Native Americans, Alaska natives

Short Abstract:

Native people face some of the most direct socio-economic conditions of any group in America. Within this population, Urban Indians face unique challenges. Federal funding does not always directly address their needs, and their location in Americas cities mean that part of the safety net available to Native children and families living on reservations or tribal territories are unavailable to them. There is also a lack of sufficient data to determine whether and how well the urban safety net meets the needs of urban Indian families. The magnitude of this problem is significant, as urban Indians make up almost half of the Native population overall.


Native people face some of the most direct socio-economic conditions of any group in America. Within this population, Urban Indians face unique challenges. Federal funding does not always directly address their needs, and their location in Americas cities mean that part of the safety net available to Native children and families living on reservations or tribal territories are unavailable to them. There is also a lack of sufficient data to determine whether and how well the urban safety net meets the needs of urban Indian families. The magnitude of this problem is significant, as urban Indians make up almost half of the Native population overall.

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