Towards Building American Indians’ Futures: The Chicago American Indian Community Collaborative’s 2020 Report on Education & COVID-19 Related Data

Authors: The Chicago American Indian Community Collaborative (CAICC), Dr. Beth Redbird, Carrie Stallings, Katherine Castillo Valentin,

Publication Year: 2020
Last Updated:

Short Abstract:

Abstract: The reports’ purpose is to support future efforts to better the lives of the American Indian community in Chicago amid the challenges faced within urbanization and a stark inequality. This report aims to do so by creating two sections, the first is a detailed summary of the state of educational needs among American Indians in Chicago and the ongoing programming in place to meet those needs. The second is an analysis of CAICC’s COVID-19 aid program, aimed at serving the American Indian community in Chicago and its rapidly changing needs in response to the pandemic and alarming data collected by the American Indian Health Service of Chicago. Both sections end with a focus on the future by including specific considerations and recommendations.

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