TMD (temporomandibular disorder ) prevalence in urban and rural Native American populations.

Authors: Goddard G, Karibe H
Publication Year: 2002
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice
Keywords: TMD, temporomandibular disorder, jaw, dental, occlusion, facial; urban and rural setting; pain frequency; sleeping problems

Short Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of TMD in a consecutive sample of 102 subjects from the Native American population living in an urban setting and 90 subjects living in a rural setting. 

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of TMD in a consecutive sample of 102 subjects from the Native American population living in an urban setting and 90 subjects living in a rural setting. The study utilized a clinical examination and standardized questionnaires. The sample age ranged from five to 84 years of age. The subjects were asked to estimate pain frequency, severity and daily pattern of jaw pain, difficulty in opening, joint clicking, and sleeping problems. Examination was performed on joint, masticatory, and cervical muscles, as well as occlusion. Data was collected and statistically analyzed. Statistically significant differences were found; however, the only statistically significant difference that might have clinical significance was more facial pain in the urban population.

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