Testimony of D’Shane Barnett, Executive Director of NCUIH, 2011 Native American Witness Day

Authors: D'Shane Barnett, Stiener, Jason, MA
Publication Year: 2011
Last Updated: 2015-12-28 12:18:23
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: FY 2013 tribal budget consultation testimony, native american witness day, D'Shane Barnett, NCUIH, testimony, Interior Appropriations, appropriations

Short Abstract:

Testimony of D’Shane Barnett, Executive Director National Council of Urban Indian Health House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee’s Native American Witness Day April 12th-13th, 2011


Budget Request
1.) Full Funding of the Indian Health Service—If the Native American health delivery system is to truly fulfill the trust responsibility between Native peoples and the federal government, the Indian Health Services, and all of its parts, must be fully funded. Current funding is insufficient to provide quality health care.

2.) $9 Million Increase for the Urban Indian Health Program—In order to meet rising need, medical inflation, and remain competitive for other private grants and services the UIHP requests a much needed increase in base funds after several years of flat funding.

3.) Full funding of Community Health Centers – Community Health Centers were designed to serve patients who live in areas where there is a shortage of available health services. We urge the Committee to maintain funding for these critical components of the health care delivery system. For many individuals, CHCs are the only health care available in their communities.

4.) Maintain funding of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Grants and Health Promotion/Disease Prevention grants to UIHPs – NCUIH opposes the proposed elimination of DV/SA and HP/DP grants to UIHPs. These competitively awarded grants provide our communities with dearly-needed health services that cannot be duplicated through other means.

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