Sample Support Letter Template for National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) Partners to contact Senator

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2010-09-07 16:15:40
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: template letter, non-duplicative services, uihp, urban indian health programs

Short Abstract:

The Urban Indian Health Program is the only culturally sensitive medical and behavioral health provider available to urban Indians. Today nearly 70% of American Indians and Alaska Natives reside in urban settings. 34 Urban Indian Health Clinics provide culturally appropriate medical services to this population. To date Congress has supported this program and, in the FY 2008 has set aside 34,547,000 million dollars in a line item to the Urban Indian Health Program. We believe that this is a sound investment in Indian Country by Congress. Every dollar provided through the Indian Health Service was leveraged 2-to-1 with private, local, state and/or other federal sources. With these monies the clinics were able to provide unique and non-duplicative services to approximately 150,000 patients. 


The Urban Indian Health Program is the only culturally sensitive medical and behavioral health provider available to urban Indians. Today nearly 70% of American Indians and Alaska Natives reside in urban settings. 34 Urban Indian Health Clinics provide culturally appropriate medical services to this population. To date Congress has supported this program and, in the FY 2008 has set aside 34,547,000 million dollars in a line item to the Urban Indian Health Program. We believe that this is a sound investment in Indian Country by Congress. Every dollar provided through the Indian Health Service was leveraged 2-to-1 with private, local, state and/or other federal sources. With these monies the clinics were able to provide unique and non-duplicative services to approximately 150,000 patients. 

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