Response to Support UIHP 2005

Authors: United States Senate
Publication Year: 2005
Last Updated: 2012-02-28 09:20:13
Journal: NCUIH

Short Abstract:

Vice President for Federal, State, and Public Affairs - Chairman jim Nussle House Budget Committee

Dear Chairman Nussle:

We are writing to express our continued support for the Indian Health Service's (IHS) Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP)  and to ask for your help in preserving funding for this important program as you craft the Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Resolution.


Vice President for Federal, State, And Public Affairs - Chairman Jim Nussle House Budget Committee

Dear Chairman Nussle:

We are writing to express out continued support for the Indian Health Service's (IHS) urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) and to ask for your help in preserving the funding for the important program as you craft the Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Resolutuion.

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