Press Release 03-22-07 Urban Indian Health Line Item Fully Restored in Fiscal Year 2007 Budget

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2007
Last Updated: 2010-09-02 14:23:08
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: UIHP, urban indian health program, IHCIA, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, CHC's, Community Health Clinics

Short Abstract:

The news that the Urban Indian line item in the Indian Health Service budget had been fully restored— with a pay cost increase—in the Department of Health and Human Services fiscal year 2007 agency work plan was received by Indian Country with a sense of relief and hope for the future. The Urban Indian Health Program (Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act) was first proposed eliminated in the Administration’s fiscal year 2007 budget proposal of February 2006. The Administration argued then that the urban Indian health centers offer duplicative services, which can be replaced by Community Health Centers. However, through the collective action of Indian Country and an impressive support letter campaign, the urban health facilities were successful in proving their strong connection and relevance to Indian Country and the far reach of their health services.


The news that the Urban Indian line item in the Indian Health Service budget had been fully restored— with a pay cost increase—in the Department of Health and Human Services fiscal year 2007 agency work plan was received by Indian Country with a sense of relief and hope for the future. The Urban Indian Health Program (Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act) was first proposed eliminated in the Administration’s fiscal year 2007 budget proposal of February 2006. The Administration argued then that the urban Indian health centers offer duplicative services, which can be replaced by Community Health Centers. However, through the collective action of Indian Country and an impressive support letter campaign, the urban health facilities were successful in proving their strong connection and relevance to Indian Country and the far reach of their health services.

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