Participation in a Culturally Grounded Program Strengthens Cultural Identity, Self-Esteem, and Resilience in Urban Indigenous Adolescents

Authors: Amanda Hunter, Mikah Carlos, Felix B. Muniz, et al.

Publication Year: 2022

Last Updated:


Keywords: Childcare; Cultural Sensitivity and Appropriateness; Mental and Behavioral Health; Youth; After School Program; Self-esteem; resilience


Short Abstract: Culturally grounded after-school programs (ASPs) aim to promote health and well-being among Indigenous youth. Native Spirit is a 10-session ASP that focuses on local cultural values and activities facilitated by local cultural practitioners.


Abstract: Culturally grounded after-school programs (ASPs) aim to promote health and well-being among Indigenous youth. Native Spirit is a 10-session ASP that focuses on local cultural values and activities facilitated by local cultural practitioners. This pilot study used a single group, pretest-posttest design (N = 18) with Indigenous adolescents in grades 7-12 and conducted participant interviews (N = 11) to assess the impact of the program on cultural identity, self-esteem, and resilience. There were immediate post-program increases in mean strength in cultural identity (p = 0.002), resilience (p = 0.161), and self-esteem (p = 0.268). Themes related to benefits of program participation included curiosity and commitment to cultural identity, increases in self-esteem, and ability to build resilience. This study provides new insights on the relationship between cultural engagement and adolescent health.


Source: Link to Original Article.




Type of Resource: Best Practices Newsletter