Oral Health Knowledge and the Utilization of Dental Services: A Survey of Urban Native Americans

Authors: Divesh Byrappagari, Megan K. Kemink, and Jessica J. Ray

Publication Year: 2017

Last Updated:

Journal: Journal of Dental and Oral Health

Keywords: Health Care Access; Health Disparities; Dental Utilization; Oral Health Knowledge;


Short Abstract: The purpose of this study is to understand the oral health knowledge among the Native American patients of American Indian Health and Family Services and how it affects the utilization of dental care by these patients.


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to understand the oral health knowledge among the Native American patients of American Indian Health and Family Services and how it affects the utilization of dental care by these patients. In collaboration with American Indian Health and Family Services, a non-profit health center serving the Native American community of southeastern Michigan, a paper based survey was administered to all the individuals who sought care at the health center. A total of 55 surveys were collected. A majority of the respondents identified themselves as Native American (71%). Analysis revealed that, a majority of respondents were knowledgeable about the importance of brushing (98%), flossing (96%) and diet (78%) to maintain good oral health. About 91% reported that good oral health was very important to them and about half of them reported having good to very good oral health. A large percent of the respondents did not practice good oral hygiene and seek dental care when needed even though they scored high on the knowledge questions. A majority of the respondents reported not seeking dental care in spite of having dental needs (58%) and listed barriers like; cost of dental care (48%), transportation (10%), and inability to take time off from work (10%) among others. The results of the study indicated that good oral health knowledge alone does not translate to better utilization of dental services, and there are other barriers to seeking care.


Source: Link to Original Article.



Source: https://scientonline.org/open-access/oral-health-knowledge-and-the-utilization-of-dental-services-a-survey-of-urban-native-americans.pdf

Type of Resource: Peer-reviewed scientific article