News: R. Dale Walker, MD officially submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

Authors: Walker RD
Publication Year: 2006
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: OneSky
Keywords: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs; testimony; President's FY2007 IHS Budget; urban Indian health

Short Abstract: R. Dale Walker, MD officially submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs as part of the official hearing record.  The testimony will be included as part of the Committee's oversight hearing on the President's FY2007 IHS Budget.  Walker, president of the First Nations Behavioral Health Association and director of the One Sky Center expresses concern regarding the proposed elimination of the Urban Indian Health line item. 

Abstract: R. Dale Walker, MD officially submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs as part of the official hearing record. The testimony will be included as part of the Committee's oversight hearing on the President's FY2007 IHS Budget. Walker, president of the First Nations Behavioral Health Association and director of the One Sky Center expresses concern regarding the proposed elimination of the Urban Indian Health line item.

Source: Link to Original Article.
Code: 4001
Source: na