NCUIH Resolution five percent for Diabetes

Authors: NCUIH
Publication Year: 2000
Last Updated: 2012-06-01 09:49:03
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: NCUIH, National Council of urban Indian Health, 2000, Diabetes, Advocacy,

Short Abstract: 2000 NCUIH Resolution in Support of a five percent set-aside of IHS Diabetes for Urban Indians

Whereas, The National Council of urban Indian Health is the only membership organization of Urban Indian Health programs and is entrusted with the responsibility of providing advocacy and health care related services to Urban Indians living in metropolitan centers throughout the United States;

Abstract: 2000 NCUIH Resolution in Support of five percent set-aside of IHS Diabetes for Urban Indians

Whereas, The National Council of Urban Indian Health is the only membership organization of Urban Indian Health programs and is entrusted witht he responsibility of providing advocacy and health care related services to Urban Indians living in metropolitan centers throughout the United States;

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