NCUIH Hill Heartbeat January 2011

Authors: Steiner, J
Publication Year: 2011
Last Updated: 2011-01-19 15:56:59
Keywords: H.R. 2, Patients Rights Repeal Act, IHCIA, Indian Health Care Improvement Act

Short Abstract:

 The House of Representatives will vote later today on H.R. 2 -- the Patients Rights Repeal Act. H.R. 2 would repeal not only the Affordable Care Act, but also the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

Although H.R. 2 is nearly certain to pass the House of Representatives, it has little chance of passing the Senate. Nevertheless, it is very important that our elected representatives hear from supporters of ACA and IHCIA. Please visit the website to find the name and phone number of your Congressional representative, and let them know that you oppose H.R. 2. Please encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to speak up loudly in support of ACA/IHCIA and against this ill-conceived repeal of the protections we have worked so hard for.


 The House of Representatives will vote later today on H.R. 2 -- the Patients Rights Repeal Act. H.R. 2 would repeal not only the Affordable Care Act, but also the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

Although H.R. 2 is nearly certain to pass the House of Representatives, it has little chance of passing the Senate. Nevertheless, it is very important that our elected representatives hear from supporters of ACA and IHCIA. Please visit the website to find the name and phone number of your Congressional representative, and let them know that you oppose H.R. 2. Please encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to speak up loudly in support of ACA/IHCIA and against this ill-conceived repeal of the protections we have worked so hard for.

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