Native American elders. Health care status

Authors: Rousseau P
Publication Year: 1995
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: Clinics in Geriatric Medicine
Keywords: Native American elders; health care status; health policy; heart disease; diabetes mellitus; cancer; oral health; nutrition; long-term care; aging; female; male; morbidity

Short Abstract: This articel reviews current data relevant to the health care status of elderly Native Americans, a population cohort encompasing American Indians and Alaskan Natives/Aleutians.  Serveral topics are addressed, including the history of Native American health policy, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, oral health, nutrition, long-term care, and the circumstances of urban Native American elders

Abstract: This article reviews current data relevant to the health care status of elderly Native Americans, a population cohort encompassing American Indians and Alaskan Natives/Aleutians. Several topics are addressed, including the history of Native American health policy, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, oral health, nutrition, long-term care, and the circumstances of urban Native American elders. 

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