National Steering Committee IHCIA Draft 2 99Title VI

Authors: National Steering Committee (437)
Publication Year: 1999
Last Updated: 2012-05-16 10:50:31
Journal: National Steering Committee
Keywords: National Steering Committee, IHCIA, Reautorization, Indian Health Care Act, Indian Health Services, IHS, 1999,

Short Abstract: National Steering Committee for the Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, P.L. 94-437

Title VI Organizational Improvements Draft 2 September 21, 1999 (review & comment only)

Establishment of the Indian Health Service as an Agency of the Public Health Service

Sec. 601. (a) in order to more effectively and efficiently carry out the responsibilities, authorities, and functions of the United States to provide health care services to Indians and Indian Tribes, as are or maybe hereafter provided by the federal statute or treaties, there is established within the Public Health Service of the Department of Health & Human Services the Indian Health Service.

Abstract: National Steering Committee for the Reauthorization of the Indian Health care Improvement Act, P.L. 94-437

Title VI Organizational Improvements Draft 2 September 21, 1999 (review & comment only)

Establishment of the Indian Health Service as an Agency of the Public Health Service

Sec. 601 (a)  in order to more effectively efficiently carry out the responsibilities, authorities and functions of the United States to provide health care services to Indians and Indian Tribes, as are or maybe hereafter provided by the federal statute or treaties, there is established within the Public Health Service of the department of Health  & Human Services the Indian Health Service.

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